Sex in Theory Annual Lecture with Professor David Marriott "from this impossibility anything follows"

Lecture (public): from this impossibility anything follows
March 13, 4.30 pm Arts W-215
This talk is concerned with redefining the relation between race, truth, and sexuality. Raced sexuation must not be defined as something missing from reality (as Lacan and others would have it) but its real fantasy, of which sexuation is merely the ‘contrecoup’. Fanon develops his reformulation of the relation between blackness, truth, and sexuality when for the first time he identifies sexuation as a n’est pas (or is not). The exclusion of that insight (from a range of texts) often coincides with a vicious exclusion of blackness the nature of which often goes unremarked. It is in fact a fantasy upon which critical thought discovers its own imaginary of sex as a separate sphere. Examples of such exclusion will be discussed as I outline how Fanon develops his philosophy.
This event is hosted by the Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies, with the support of the Department of Art History and Communication Studies.