News /indigenous-studies/taxonomy/term/186/all en Students flock to Whitebean’s course /indigenous-studies/article/news/students-flock-whitebeans-course <p>After more than a decade spent as a university student, Wahéhshon Shiann Whitebean is getting a taste for what it’s like to be the one at the front of the classroom, after accepting a position as a course lecturer at 9I this semester.</p> <p>“It’s definitely a different learning experience,” Whitebean said. “It’s a new opportunity for me to be on the other side of things as a prof, and to learn from my students.”</p> Wed, 22 Jan 2025 19:01:45 +0000 Indigenous Studies 12853 at /indigenous-studies Tó: nya’teká:yen entewà:ronke’ – Normalizing “gifted oration” /indigenous-studies/article/news/nyatekayen-entewaronke-normalizing-gifted-oration <p>On November 13th, 2024, the 9I community hosted a talk by Tahohtharátye Joe Brant, an advanced speaker of Onkwehonwehnéha (Mohawk language), a passionate language activist, and an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. Tahohtharátye is from Tyendinaga Mohawk Nation Territory where he has worked as an elementary school teacher, principal, and researcher in Kanyen'kéha language documentation. In the presentation, he discussed the opportunities and challenges he has faced in pursuit of “nya’teká:yen tsi yonhrónkha” proficiency as an Onkwehonwehnéha language learner.</p> Thu, 21 Nov 2024 17:54:36 +0000 Indigenous Studies 12846 at /indigenous-studies Kenneth Atsenhaienton Deer, ISCEI’s 2024 Indigenous Knowledge Holder, brings a wealth of experience /indigenous-studies/article/news/kenneth-atsenhaienton-deer-isceis-2024-indigenous-knowledge-holder-brings-wealth-experience <p>Kenneth Atsenhaienton Deer, this year’s Indigenous Studies and Community Engagement Initiative (ISCEI) Indigenous Knowledge Holder, will present <a href="/iscei/events">two public talks</a> on campus this week. </p> <p>The first takes place Tuesday, Oct. 22, and is titled <em>A Haudenosaunee Perspective on the Development of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples</em>.</p> Tue, 19 Nov 2024 16:12:46 +0000 9I Reporter 12845 at /indigenous-studies ISP Student Presents at International Conference in Norway /indigenous-studies/article/news/isp-student-presents-international-conference-norway <p>On June 8th, 2024, in Bodo, Norway, Marie-Pier Bellefleur, a Psychology major and Indigenous Studies minor student from the Innu community of Pessamit, presented at the prestigious NAISA conference. This conference is the largest scholarly organization that engages Indigenous issues and communities. Remarkably, in only her second year of undergraduate studies, Marie-Pier has already showcased her research on an international level.</p> Thu, 04 Jul 2024 21:01:55 +0000 Indigenous Studies 12825 at /indigenous-studies A Word from Jenni Makahnouk, 2024 Arts Valedictorian /indigenous-studies/article/news/word-jenni-makahnouk-2024-arts-valedictorian <p>My journey from Alberta to Montreal was filled with anticipation, eager to immerse myself in the vibrant culture of this city. Arriving a couple of months before my first semester, I envisioned lazy summer days spent on terrasses, exploring the Plateau, Mile-Ex and Verdun neighborhoods, and soaking in the renowned joie de vivre that Montreal exudes.</p> Thu, 27 Jun 2024 14:51:23 +0000 Indigenous Studies 12823 at /indigenous-studies Recognizing the Healing Power of Research /indigenous-studies/article/news/recognizing-healing-power-research <p>In academia, researchers are often encouraged to leave their personal histories behind so they can approach their research questions with as little bias as possible. </p> <p>But for many Indigenous researchers, especially those who are doing work in their home communities, this detached approach can be counterproductive. </p> Thu, 27 Jun 2024 14:41:50 +0000 Sarah Lebeau 12824 at /indigenous-studies Graduate students in Education and Science earn Rathlyn Fellowships /indigenous-studies/article/news/graduate-students-education-and-science-earn-rathlyn-fellowships <p>Karen Martin and Dane Malenfant have been named Rathlyn Fellowship recipients for the 2023-24 year. This fellowship of $12,500 is awarded yearly by the Indigenous Studies Program to support Indigenous graduate students in their pursuit of excellence in research.</p> <p><strong>Revitalizing the </strong><strong>Mi’gmaw language</strong></p> Mon, 29 Apr 2024 16:20:49 +0000 Mia Alunik Fischlin 12822 at /indigenous-studies Noelani Arista and Cindy Blackstock Recipients of New Canadian Research Chairs /indigenous-studies/article/news/noelani-arista-and-cindy-blackstock-recipients-new-canadian-research-chairs <p>The <b>Canada Research Chair </b>program has announced two new recipients of the prestigious academic honour from the Faculty of Arts. <b>Professor Noelani Arista</b> (History and Classical Studies) has been made a Tier 2 CRC in Indigenous Land, Governance and Language and <b>Professor Cindy Blackstock </b>(School of Social Work)<b> </b>has been made a Tier 1 CRC in First Nations and Family Services Implementation.</p> Mon, 29 Apr 2024 15:46:24 +0000 The Reporter 12821 at /indigenous-studies Indigenous Food Sovereignty Class in Kahnawá:ke for Traditional Foods /indigenous-studies/article/news/indigenous-food-sovereignty-class-kahnawake-traditional-foods <p>On October 27th, the Indigenous Food Sovereignty class traveled to Kahnawá:ke for a second land-based learning activity. (read about the first one here). The students were able to learn more about the process of cooking traditional foods, while also having fun!</p> Wed, 29 Nov 2023 07:37:52 +0000 Indigenous Studies 12790 at /indigenous-studies Indigenous Food Sovereignty Class Visted Kahnawá:ke's Community Garden /indigenous-studies/article/news/indigenous-food-sovereignty-class-visted-kahnawakes-community-garden <p>On October 6th, the Indigenous Food Sovereignty class (INDG 420) had the opportunity to travel to Kahnawá:ke to visit the First Nations Regional Adult Education Center. With class time usually taking place on 9I campus, it was special to share a land-based experience for the students. </p> Tue, 24 Oct 2023 19:51:01 +0000 Indigenous Studies 12784 at /indigenous-studies Introducing the 2023-2024 cohort in the Indigenous Language Revitalization Program /indigenous-studies/article/news/introducing-2023-2024-cohort-indigenous-language-revitalization-program <p>The Faculty of Arts’ Ad Hoc graduate program in <a href="/linguistics/graduate">Indigenous Language Revitalization</a> has welcomed a new cohort of students, MA students <a href="">Cameron Adams</a> and <a href="">Kanontienéntha’ Brass</a>, and PhD student Mary Onwá:ri Tekahawáhkwen McDonald.</p> Thu, 05 Oct 2023 06:37:52 +0000 Andria Caputo 12779 at /indigenous-studies Summer Course Brings Students in an Immersive Learning Experience /indigenous-studies/article/news/summer-course-brings-students-immersive-learning-experience-0 <p>This summer, students from the course INDG 450 took a break from learning in a classroom and spent the month of June learning stories, teachings, and histories about the land and the people from Tiohtià:ke. In an intensive summer course taught by Jimena Márquez, a faculty lecturer for the Indigenous Studies Program, students travelled by bus to various locations around Montreal to learn land-based Haudenosaunee teachings.</p> Thu, 24 Aug 2023 14:14:57 +0000 12774 at /indigenous-studies Present and Past Rathlyn Fellowship Recipients Present Panel at NAISA Conference /indigenous-studies/article/news/present-and-past-rathlyn-fellowship-recipients-present-panel-naisa-conference <p>This panel brought together critical and historical perspectives on Indigenous Peoples’ experiences with the Canadian settler state’s varied ‘schooling’ projects, including contexts related to Indian Day Schooling, Indian Residential Schooling, and provincial schooling. These structures and contexts of schooling – each internally varied across time and space – have been inadequately and too rarely examined in relation to one another, or as constituent parts of a larger, multi-institutional complex of state schooling organized in service of Canada’s colonial social-political order.</p> Wed, 28 Jun 2023 20:51:54 +0000 NAISA 12769 at /indigenous-studies Indigenous Field Course (IDFC 500) Boasts Best of Kanesatake /indigenous-studies/article/news/indigenous-field-course-idfc-500-boasts-best-kanesatake <p>On a week that thrust Kanesatake’s troubles into countrywide headlines, Wanda Gabriel guided a cohort of 9I students through the aspects of the community that are a source of pride.</p> Tue, 27 Jun 2023 06:37:52 +0000 Marcus Bankuti 12768 at /indigenous-studies Rathlyn Fellowships awarded to graduate students in Education and Law /indigenous-studies/article/news/rathlyn-fellowships-awarded-graduate-students-education-and-law <p>Wahéhshon Whitebean and Cheyenne Neszo have been named recipients of Rathlyn Fellowships. Awarded annually through the Indigenous Studies Program at 9I, Rathlyn Fellowships support Indigenous graduate students at 9I in their studies and research. Each Fellowships is worth $15,000.</p> <p>The Rathlyn Fellowship is given out each year through the Indigenous Studies Program at 9I.</p> Mon, 19 Jun 2023 16:33:07 +0000 12766 at /indigenous-studies