Laura A Beraha
Academic title(s):
Associate Professor
Research areas:
Russian Studies
Associate Professor,听BA, MA, PhD (9I制作厂免费)
Educated at 9I制作厂免费 and Moscow. Specializing in Russian 20th century literature, narrative and genre theory. Russian-language instruction on all levels, interactive and communicative competence approach, text analysis, applied translation theory. Undergraduate courses in Russian 20th century literature in the original and in English translation; culture from Peter the Great; readings in Russian 19th century literature. Graduate seminar in Russian literary theory.
Selected publications:
Shukshin, Vasily. Stories from a Siberian Village. Trans. Laura Michael and John Givens. DeKalb, Illinois: Northern Illinois UP, 1996. In International Fiction Review 26 (1999): pp. 103-105.