The Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism invites you to the Inaugural Michelle Douglas Lectureship on the topic of equality and justice for LGBTI people. All are welcome!/lawCategory: Centre...
Join the MIBTLS on March 25 for a panel discussion on current trade relations between China and the United States. REGISTRATION REQUIRED!/lawCategory: Faculty of Law
The Faculty of Law is pleased to announce that the Canadian Bar Association, Quebec Branch (CBA-Quebec), has awarded the Paul-André-Crépeau Medal for 2021 to Professor Fabien Gélinas, Ad E.
Presented by Inter Gentes in collaboration with the CHRLP. On Zoom. The role of legal pluralism in advancing gender equality through (international) human rights instruments. With Meghan...
The Faculty of Law is pleased to announce that two of its scholars have been named Canada Research Chairs. Professor Yaëll Emerich has been named the Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Transsystemic...
The Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism invites you to the Inaugural Martine Roy Student Colloquium and Prize on the topic of equality and justice for LGBTI people. Four students submitted...
Les transitions urbaines et environnementales mettent au cœur des débats la question du vivre ensemble dans la ville et, plus particulièrement les modèles de copropriété ou de propriété collective...