BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T231417EDT-1163lhtF6J@ DTSTAMP:20250313T031417Z DESCRIPTION:On Zoom\n\nAbstract\n\nLawyers defending extractive corporation s in transnational human rights and environmental cases tend to reflect th e dominant ‘resolute advocacy’ model of litigation\, which directs lawyers to aggressively pursue clients’ interests though all available means. Giv en the inequality of arms between plaintiffs and defendant corporations\, and the changing normative context generated by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Sustainable Development G oals\, we ask whether a different vision of advocacy more appropriate in t his type of litigation.  We put forward a model of ‘moderated resolute adv ocacy’ and propose some normative and legislative reforms. \n\nBio\n\nAmy  Salyzyn is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Law\, Common Law Secti on at the University of Ottawa and a Faculty member of the Centre for Law\ , Technology and Society. She received her J.S.D from Yale Law School for her dissertation exploring the judicial regulation of lawyers in common la w jurisdictions. She also received her LL.M. from Yale Law School and her J.D. from the University of Toronto. She has written extensively in the ar ea of legal ethics\, lawyer regulation\, the use of technology in the deli very of legal services and access to justice.  \n\nPenelope Simons is a Fu ll Professor and the Gordon F. Henderson Chair in Human Rights at the Facu lty of Law (Common Law Section)\, University of Ottawa. A global leader in business and human rights\, her research focuses on the human rights impl ications of domestic and transnational extractive sector activity\, state responsibility for corporate complicity in human rights violations\, the r egulation of transnational corporations\, gender and resource extraction\, as well as the intersections between transnational corporate activity\, h uman rights and international economic law. She is the co-author with Audr ey Macklin of The Governance Gap: Extractive Industries\, Human Rights\, a nd the Home State Advantage (Routledge 2014 ). She also co-author with Ton y VanDuzer and Graham Mayeda of Integrating Sustainable Development into I nternational Investment Agreements: A Guide for Developing Countries (Comm onwealth Secretariat\, 2013). Penelope is a member of the Human Rights Res earch and Education Centre\, the Interdisciplinary Research Group on the T erritories of Extractivism (GRITE) and the Center for Environmental Law an d Global Sustainability\, at the University of Ottawa\, as well as the SSH RC-funded Canadian Partnership on Strengthening Justice for International Crimes. In 2018\, Penelope was awarded the Walter S. Tarnoplosky Award\, r ecognizing her as “an individual who has made a significant contribution t o human rights. \n DTSTART:20221111T180000Z DTEND:20221111T193000Z LOCATION:Online SUMMARY:Professional responsibility and the defence of extractive corporati ons in transnational human rights and environmental litigation in Canadian courts URL:/law/fr/channels/event/professional-responsibility -and-defence-extractive-corporations-transnational-human-rights-and-343304 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR