BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250313T005428EDT-5476i7SoLH@ DTSTAMP:20250313T045428Z DESCRIPTION:(En anglais seulement) Organised in collaboration with the Scie nces Po Law School\, ‘Eating Popcorn like a Lawyer’ is a monthly law and f ilm seminar series that seeks to establish a continuous dialogue between t he two fields. For each instalment we invite a prominent legal scholar to select\, discuss and analyse a thought-provoking feature film.  \n\nFor th e last session of the fall term\, we will discuss Frank Perry’s American c lassic The Swimmer (1968) with Prof. Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos ( University of Westminster\, London). The film is set in the suburbia of Co nnecticut\, where a man decides to swim home using his neighbours’ pools. His trespassing creates a story of idealism\, dreams\, and confusion. Beca use when space becomes more than just a dimension\, what is the freedom of a man who just wants to swim? Prof. Philippopoulos-Mihalopolous will set us up for a discussion about law as terrain\, about norms and rules in the ir social dimension and\, of course\, about water. \n\nThe seminar will ta ke place over Zoom and is open all. To join us\, please register here. The film\, which is to be watched beforehand is available for rent for a smal l price on a variety of streaming platforms\, including YouTube. \n\nZoom link\n\nSee you soon! \n\nThe Law and Film team: \n\nEdward van Daalen (Mc Gill Faculty of Law) \n\nVittoria Becci (Sciences Po Law School) \n\nAlexi a Katsiginis (Sciences Po Law School) \n\neatingpopcornlikealawyer [at] gm \n DTSTART:20221201T174500Z DTEND:20221201T191500Z LOCATION:Zoom. SUMMARY:Eating Popcorn like a Lawyer URL:/law/fr/channels/event/eating-popcorn-lawyer-34383 5 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR