BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T165521EDT-6142tv6pVH@ DTSTAMP:20250312T205521Z DESCRIPTION:(En anglais seulement) This lecture critically examines a curre nt tendency in human-animal\, critical animal studies and social anthropol ogy to look towards the ‘animism’ of indigenous communities as an alternat ive to the dominant ontological and legal distinction between ‘person’ and ‘thing’. It contributes to an ongoing conversation hosted by 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ Facul ty of Law on legal personhood\, and to a broader conversation about the et hics of global governance. I first describe how ‘animal personhood’ is rel evant to a discussion about legal personhood in general. I then look at th e current jurisprudence on the granting of personhood to non-human entitie s and animals\, explaining the tensions this produces for law more general ly. The final part of my talk reflects on the ‘ontological turn’ in human- animal studies in recent years\, including the temptation to transpose thi s approach to the courtroom. In my conclusion\, I will suggest an alternat ive – perhaps radical – way forward in our ongoing efforts to make global governance fit for purpose.\n\nYoriko Otomo is a Research Associate at SOA S\, University of London\, where she was a Senior Lecturer for a number of years before becoming Director of the Global Research Network and Think T ank\, an organisation that promotes collaboration and knowledge transfer b etween North-South academics. She holds a Ph.D in Law (University of Melbo urne) and has received numerous fellowships and awards. Yoriko has authore d Unconditional Life: The Postwar International Law Settlement (Oxford Uni versity Press\, 2016) and co-edited Law and the Question of the Animal: A Critical Jurisprudence (Routledge\, 2014) and Making Milk: The Past\, Pres ent and Future of Our Primary Food (Bloomsbury\, 2017) and is currently co -editing Routledge's Handbook on Law and Animals (forthcoming\, 2024). Rec ent interdisciplinary projects include a collaboration with architects on a permanent installation for the Court of Aarhus in Denmark\, 'Silent Part ies'. Alongside academia\, she has undertaken international environmental law consultancies over the last two decades for U.N.\, NGOs and government bodies. Her current research tries to go beyond critique to suggest pract ical ways of transforming current environmental law discourse.\n\nParticip er à l'Atelier via Zoom \n\n \n\n \n DTSTART:20230213T180000Z DTEND:20230213T193000Z LOCATION:202 New Chancellor Day Hall\, Hybrid Workshop SUMMARY:Yoriko Otomo - After Persons\, Animism\, Animals and Law URL:/law/fr/channels/event/yoriko-otomo-after-persons- animism-animals-and-law-345627 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR