BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T170703EDT-1426DHdhHz@ DTSTAMP:20250312T210703Z DESCRIPTION:Organized in collaboration with the Sciences Po Law School\, ‘E ating Popcorn like a Lawyer’ is a seminar series that seeks to establish a continuous dialogue between the fields of law and film. For each session we invite a prominent legal scholar to select\, discuss and analyze a thou ght-provoking film.\n\nFor Black History Month\, we have invited Prof. Ril ey Case (9I Faculty of Law) to present a special screening of Phillip Pike’s documentary\, Our Dance of Revolution (2019):\n\n“[t]his documentar y explores Black queer community in Toronto. It begins during a period of intense mobilization among Black and allied collectives toward racial just ice in the 1980s\, while LGBTQIA+ communities were also engaged in advocat ing for their rights. Black queer folk from across the diaspora navigated these two\, seemingly separate\, movements to elaborate nuanced conception s of belonging to community. The film thus makes visible rich understandin gs of Blackness and of queerness\, exposing homonormativity and homonation alism. It links the past to the present through the movement for Black liv es\, which is led by women\, queer\, disabled\, and trans persons today. T his film has special importance for me\, as a Black queer woman who grew u p in Toronto among communities working toward racial and gender justice.” \n\n- Prof. Sarah Riley Case.\n\nThe screening of the will be followed by a conversation with Prof. Riley Case and the audience. Free event/No regis tration. Come as you are!\n\nThe Law and Film team:\n\nEdward van Daalen ( 9I Faculty of Law)\n\nMathilde Baril-Jannard (9I Faculty of Law)\n \nVittoria Becci (Sciences Po Law School)\n\nAlexia Katsiginis (Sciences P o Law School) eatingpopcornlikealawyer [at]\n DTSTART:20230216T223000Z DTEND:20230217T010000Z LOCATION:New Chancellor Day Hall\, Maxwell Cohen Moot Court. Room 100 SUMMARY:Eating Popcorn like a Lawyer: Black History Month Screening URL:/law/fr/channels/event/eating-popcorn-lawyer-black -history-month-screening-345936 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR