BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T161843EDT-7632KoDWtK@ DTSTAMP:20250312T201843Z DESCRIPTION:With Dr. Sassan Gholiagha Postdoctoral Researcher\, European Ne w School of Digital Studies SKILL Project.\n\nAbout\n\nThe Humanisation of Global Politics\, observes a growing humanisation of global politics rela ting to the appearance of individual human beings in discourses of global politics. It identifies a mismatch concerning International Relations theo ry and International Law and the study of the humanisation of global polit ics. To overcome this mismatch\, Sassan Gholiagha proposes a novel theoret ical framework based on feminist and constructivist International Relation s theory and non-statist theories of International Law scholarship. The bo ok applies this interdisciplinary framework together with an interpretativ e analytical framework to three cases: the discourse on prosecution\, stud ying international criminal law and the work of the International Criminal Court\; the discourse on protection\, focusing on the Responsibility to P rotect\; and the discourse on the use of drones in targeted killing operat ions. Drawing on these case studies and the frameworks\, the book identifi es how individual human beings as participants in global politics position themselves and are positioned by others in these various discourses.\n\nB io\n\nSassan Gholiagha holds a PhD from the University of Hamburg. Having worked at the University of Hamburg\, the WZB Berlin Social Science Center \, and the Institute of International Relations at the TU Braunschweig\, h e currently is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the European New School of Dig ital Studies (European University Viadrina)\, Frankfurt(Oder)\, Germany. H e has worked on norms research in International Relations (IR)\, security discourses\, the Responsibility to Protect\, international criminal law\, drone strikes\, human trafficking\, and drug control. Currently\, he is in volved in an interdisciplinary project bringing computer scientists\, high er education specialists\, and IR scholars together to work on questions o f artificial intelligence\, machine learning\, and argument mining in the context of IR scholarship and political debates. His research has been pub lished in journals such as the International Journal of Human Rights\, the International Journal of Political Theory\, Global Constitutionalism\, an d Global Society. He has also published his work in several edited volumes .  \n\nAdvance RSVP is required as seating capacity is limited essas [at]\n\n \n DTSTART:20230316T150000Z DTEND:20230316T160000Z SUMMARY:Book talk with Dr. Sassan Gholiagha: The Humanisation of Global Pol itics International Criminal Law\, the Responsibility to Protect\, and Dro nes URL:/law/fr/channels/event/book-talk-dr-sassan-gholiag ha-humanisation-global-politics-international-criminal-law-responsibility- 346013 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR