BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250330T212135EDT-9021VDv48z@ DTSTAMP:20250331T012135Z DESCRIPTION:Data governance for data sharing – particularly where some or a ll of the data are sourced from human activity – raises issues of ownershi p\, privacy\, ethics and even sovereignty.\n\nThis presentation organized by the Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and supported by Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Montreal (CIRM) examines these issues with a particular focus on the Urban Data Trust proposed in Sidewalk Labs’ Mast er Innovation Development Plan for Toronto’s Quayside Development.\n\nThe conference will be held in French and English\, and a light snack will be offered! To attend\, RSVP on the CIRM’s website.\n\nAbout the speaker\n\nD r. Teresa Scassa is the Canada Research Chair in Information Law and Polic y at the University of Ottawa\, Faculty of Law. She is Chair of the Canadi an Statistics Advisory Council\, member of the Digital Strategy Advisory P anel for Waterfront Toronto\, and member of the Canadian Advisory Council on Artificial Intelligence. She is a member of the GEOTHINK research partn ership\, and has written widely in the areas of intellectual property law\ , law and technology\, and privacy. Teresa Scassa is also a senior fellow with CIGI’s International Law Research Program.\n DTSTART:20190925T163000Z DTEND:20190925T180000Z LOCATION:CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3C 2G1\, Projet Young\, 204 Young Street SUMMARY:Data Governance for Sharing Smart City Data: Lessons from Sidewalk Toronto URL:/law/channels/event/data-governance-sharing-smart- city-data-lessons-sidewalk-toronto-300756 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR