BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T173920EDT-7366VOXiUg@ DTSTAMP:20250312T213920Z DESCRIPTION:With Benedict Kingsbury \n\nDeveloping countries and their scie ntists have tended to receive little benefit and recognition for their sup ply of genomic sequence data to bit global databanks. Protests from Africa and Asia\, and anxieties in richer countries about recent and potential f uture epidemics\, have begun to precipitate change. Legal and regulatory v enues for this include the WHO\, the UN Convention on Biodiversity access- benefit arrangements (updated in December 2022 in Montreal)\, the rules of the major genomic sequence-sharing infrastructures (INSDC and GISAID)\, a nd the policies of funders and journals.  This presentation considers what kinds of justice regimes are emerging in these different venues\, how the y fit together\, and what this tells us about human rights in private and public global regulatory governance.  \n\nBio \n\nProfessor Benedict Kings bury\, originally from New Zealand\, is Vice Dean of New York University ( NYU) Law School\, Director of the Institute for International Law and Just ice (IILJ) and leads NYU's Guarini Global Law & Tech initiative. His writi ngs have ranged across history of international law\, indigenous peoples’ issues\, and global administrative law.  His current work and NYU courses focus especially global data law\; infrastructure\, rights\, and regulatio n\; hybrid and private governance\; law and global ordering projects\; and international legal approaches to planetary and space issues. He delivere d the Lauterpacht Lectures at Cambridge University in November 2022 on Int ernational Law Futures.  \n\n \n\n \n DTSTART:20230323T140000Z DTEND:20230323T153000Z LOCATION:Room 609 SUMMARY:Rights and Power in Genomic Data-Sharing: Access-Benefit and Virus Justice in Montreal URL:/law/channels/event/rights-and-power-genomic-data- sharing-access-benefit-and-virus-justice-montreal-346759 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR