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Sat, 03/01/2025 - 02:05
2nd Call for Papers: Institute of Languages for Specific Purposes, Semmelweis University The hybrid Semmelweis Medical Linguistics Conference (SMLC2025), scheduled for May 23鈥24, 2025, in Budapest, Hungary, is designed to bring together researchers and educators working in healthcare communication. It will cover key themes such as patient-centred communication, medical translation and interpreting, terminology, pragmatics, artificial intelligence, metaphors, speech analysis, medical docume

Sat, 03/01/2025 - 01:05
Ce colloque, qui se d茅roulera sur deux journ茅es de travail, a pour objectif de faire une synth猫se des acquis relatifs 脿 deux s茅ries de distinctions formul茅es par Antoine Culioli : (1) la distinction discret / dense / compact (dans la suite DDC) et (2) la distinction locuteur / 茅nonciateur / positions 茅nonciatives. La premi猫re journ茅e de travail sera consacr茅e 脿 la distinction DDC introduite par Culioli dans ses travaux sur le concept de notion. Cette distinction remet en cause les fondements

Sat, 03/01/2025 - 01:05
Abstraction, both as a cognitive and linguistic phenomenon, is a dynamic and ever-evolving process shaped by social interaction. In conversation, the lines between abstract and concrete meanings are not fixed, but shift and blur as speakers collaboratively construct and negotiate meaning. This fluid interplay is influenced by varying levels of specificity, vagueness, and contextual grounding, highlighting the adaptive nature of language in real-time communication. The workshop seeks to explore t

Sat, 03/01/2025 - 01:05
Il presente workshop si propone di approfondire gli aspetti teorici e pratici relativi all鈥檌nsegnamento delle lingue minoritarie in contesti educativi, con particolare attenzione alla situazione italiana. Come 猫 noto, la legge 482/1999 ha permesso l鈥檌ntroduzione delle lingue di minoranza storiche nel sistema educativo italiano, favorendone l鈥檜tilizzo sia come materie di insegnamento, sia come lingue veicolari per la didattica. Questo intervento legislativo ha avuto come conseguenza pi霉 evidente

Sat, 03/01/2025 - 00:05
The objective of this study day is to bring together experts in language teaching and learning to analyze the role of online interactions and exchanges in language learning. Foreign language learning has long been thought to be unique in the field of education, because of its inherently social nature; indeed, mastering a language requires using it for communication (Balboni, 2007; Wang, 2008). Numerous frameworks, including Swain鈥檚 Output Hypothesis and Long鈥檚 Interaction hypothesis, posit that

Sat, 03/01/2025 - 00:05
Focus: PhD students are the main target audience, but the courses are not restricted to them and are open to a professional audience that wants to keep up to date. Description: 9 courses are offered, 3 per area: AREA 1: FORMAL AND EXPERIMENTAL LINGUISTICS Course 1: Phonology and L2 spoken word recognition 鈥 Miquel Llompart (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) Course 2: Relating syntactic variation, diachronic change and language acquisition 鈥 Esther Rinke (Goethe-Universit盲t, Frankfu

Sat, 03/01/2025 - 00:05
Call for Papers: ETHL was conceived as a miniature summer school with four 2hr seminars led by leading theoretical historical linguists, Laura Grestenberger, Patrick Honeybone, Ranjan Sen, and George Walkden and a plenary talk by Theresa Biberauer. Alongside these sessions we will host a student 'snap-talk' session. We envision a snap-talk to be a theoretical version of a poster. Since ETHL is just a two day event we had thought of including a poster session but posters are not exactly am

Fri, 02/28/2025 - 23:05
The first International Conference on Globalisation in Languages, Education, Culture and Communication (GLECC2025) is going to be held 30-31 July, 2025, Manchester, UK. The past two decades have witnessed remarkable advancements in the studies into Education, Second and Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpreting, Cultural Studies, and Communication. This growth, evident in both the number of active researchers and the volume of scholarly throughput and outcomes, can be largely attributed

Fri, 02/28/2025 - 23:05
AVERTIVES IN EUROPEAN LANGUAGES Workshop, University of Helsinki, 22鈥23 May 2025 SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS Avertives are primarily used to describe past situations where the intended outcome was interrupted, averted, or frustrated rather than successfully completed, as illustrated in examples (1)鈥(3). According to Kuteva (1998), avertives are characterised by three features: imminence, pastness and counterfactuality. This workshop aims to develop a more comprehensive description and analysis

Fri, 02/28/2025 - 23:05
Language skills are crucial to our lifelong wellbeing and educational attainment. However, around 10% of children face language difficulties, either on their own (Developmental Language Disorder) or in tandem with other diagnoses. Autism, learning disabilities, deafness and hearing loss often hinder language development. Growing up with multiple languages may also lead to differences in language development and education challenges. Importantly, language needs are too often not identified, parti

Fri, 02/28/2025 - 22:05
Call for Papers: Deadline: March, 1 2025 Issue editors: Lydia Mai Ho Dac and Laure Lansari We are inviting submissions for the next issue of Discours n. 37, to appear in December 2025. Discours is an international and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed e-journal, which publishes two issues a year in open access. The journal is intended as a forum for exchanging and comparing data, analyses and opinions for all linguists, psycholinguists and computer linguists working in fields involving the

Fri, 02/28/2025 - 22:05
The Slurring Terms Across Languages (STAL) network (https://sites.google.com/view/stalnetwork/home) invites you to a talk by Claire Horisk (University of Missouri) entitled "Derogatory Speech: Conversations, Hearers, and Listeners". The talk will take place online on MARCH 10, 14:30-16:00 Central European Time (CET) and is part of the of STAL network seminar series (https://sites.google.com/view/stalnetwork/seminar). If you want to participate, please write to stalnetwork@gmail.com for the Zoom

Fri, 02/28/2025 - 22:05
This dissertation is about the nature of syntactic primitives and principles, their status in the grammar, and their interaction with extra-linguistic cognition. The dissertation has two parts unified by the common goal of streamlining the syntax by asking whether some of its proposed constructs are dispensable, whether the motivation for their existence can be found syntax-externally, and whether they must be assumed to be part of the initial state of the learner. While I discuss a range of ph

Fri, 02/28/2025 - 21:05
The Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Institute of English/American Studies, Chair "Research on Foreign Language Teaching and Learning: English Didactics" (Prof. Dr Angelovska) seeks to appoint: Doctoral Research Assistant (m/f/d), limited term, part-time (currently 20 hours per week) Application deadline: March 13, 2025 Start date: as soon as possible Reference number: 38189 Job Description: Part-time with half of the regular working hours of a full-time employee. The position

Fri, 02/28/2025 - 21:05
2024. v, 187 pp. Table of Contents Introduction Introductory reflections on self-translation and academic mobility Lavinia Heller & Spencer Hawkins | pp.鈥487鈥498 Articles Lancelot Hogben鈥檚 hybrid tongues: From Interglossa to global English Michael D. Gordin | pp.鈥499鈥520 The Jewish German-American musicologist Fritz A. Kuttner and China: Dimensions of self-translation in migration Bei Peng & David Bartosch | pp.鈥521鈥550 Scholarly authors as self-translators: Tracing Hasa

Fri, 02/28/2025 - 21:05
2025. iii, 124 pp. Table of Contents Articles Paratextual framing of trans-edited Saudi news reports on the BBC and the Xinhua (2023) Nora BinSultan & Eithar Alangari | pp.鈥155鈥169 Translating Arabic allusions into English: For a hermeneutic approach Lobna Burohaima, Ghaleb Rabab鈥檃h & Sanaa Benmessaoud | pp.鈥170鈥193 Reception zones of translated Nigerian literature in France: The case of Chimamanda Adichie Sylvia Ijeoma Madueke | pp.鈥194鈥212 Translation censorship: The Iran

Fri, 02/28/2025 - 20:05
2025. iii, 172 pp. Table of Contents Articles Individual variation and frequency change in Early Modern Spanish: Alignment and intra-speaker (in)stability in a corpus of 18th century ego-documents Jos茅 Luis Blas Arroyo | pp.鈥1鈥43 Old English perspectives on the complement shift: Toward the desententialisation of self-manipulative verbs Ana Elvira Ojanguren L贸pez | pp.鈥44鈥77 On the traces of 鈥渁pples鈥, 鈥減lums鈥, and 鈥減ears鈥: Investigating a wanderword in ancient and modern Near Ea

Fri, 02/28/2025 - 20:05
Edited by Eul脿lia Bonet and Cl脿udia Pons-Moll, this issue of Catalan Journal of Linguistics contains a selection of nine contributions that were presented at the workshop 鈥淣ominal inflection and word-formation at the phonology-morphology interface鈥 (NoWPhoMo), which took place in early 2024 at the Universitat de Barcelona (January 25) and at the Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona (January 26), as part of the coordinated research project Native and non-native phonology: Language contact effects an

Fri, 02/28/2025 - 20:05
2024. v, 153 pp. Table of Contents Introduction Seeking changes in a challenging time: New perspectives for proficiency-oriented Chinese teaching and beyond Yu Liu, Qiaona Yu & Yu Wu | pp.鈥85鈥89 Articles Aligning curriculum design with proficiency levels in a Chinese language program: A pilot study Yu Liu & Steve Moody | pp.鈥90鈥118 A UDL blended curriculum metamodel for proficiency-oriented Chinese instruction Qiaona Yu, Yuyun Lei & Lu Lu | pp.鈥119鈥146 What makes a good

Fri, 02/28/2025 - 16:05
Description: Global | Full time | as of now We are looking for a passionate head of our Publishing team in Linguistics. As Publishing Director Linguistics you will be responsible for the strategic development and growth of the subject area across various product types, including books, journals, and digital products. The role is based in the Publishing department and will report directly to the Chief Publishing Officer based in Berlin. Your task - Merging the De Gruyter Mouton program an


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