Biji Wong, CIRGET
A Floer homology invariant for 3-orbifolds via bordered Floer.
Using bordered Floer, we construct an invariant for 3-orbifolds Y^orb with singular set a knot that generalizes HF-hat for 3-manifolds. We show that for a large class of 3-orbifolds the invariant behaves like HF-hat in that the invariant (together with a relative Z_2-grading) categorifies the order of H_1^orb(Y^orb). When Y^orb arises as Dehn surgery on an integer-framed knot in S^3, we use Jen Hom's {-1,0,1}-valued epsilon knot invariant to prove a rank inequality between the orbifold invariant and HF-hat of the 3-manifold underlying Y^orb.