

Laurent Moonens (Paris-Saclay)

Wednesday, May 19, 2021 13:30to14:30

Title: Solving the divergence equation with measure data in non-regular domains

Abstract: In this talk, we shall present a recent joint work with E. Russ (Grenoble) concerning the equation $\mathrm{div}\,v=\mu$ in a (rather general) open domain $\Omega$, where $\mu$ is a (signed) Radon measure in $\Omega$ satisfying $\mu(\Omega)=0$. We show in particular that, under mild assumptions on the geometry of $\Omega$ (and some assumptions on $\mu$), one can provide a constructive way to build solutions $v$ in a weighted $L^\infty$ space enjoying weak Neumann-type boundary conditions.

For Zoom meeting information please email dmitry.jakobson [at] mcgill.ca

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