

Lo茂c Poulain d'Andecy, Laboratoire de Math茅matiques de Reims, Universit茅 de Reims Champagne-Ardenne

Tuesday, April 23, 2019 16:00
Room 4336, Pav. Andr茅-Aisenstadt, 2920, ch. de la Tour, CA

Centralisers of tensor representations of classical and quantum sl(N)

The well-known Hecke algebra appears in the Schur--Weyl duality, which explains how to understand the centraliser of tensor products of the natural representation of U_q(sl_N) (the "spin 1/2" representation if N=2). In this talk, I will start by quickly reviewing this classical statement. Then I will introduce a class of new algebras in order to consider other representations of U_q(sl_N) ("higher spin" representations if N=2). I will explain how to construct them explicitly, I will fully describe their representation theory, and I will give a diagrammatic presentation of them resulting in a complete description of the centralisers. These algebras generalise the symmetric group and more generally the Hecke algebras and the Temperley--Lieb algebras. Aside from pure representation theory, some motivations come from mathematical physics (Yang--Baxter equation) and from low-dimensional topology (quantum invariants of knots and links) and I will try to indicate them along the way. This is joint work with Nicolas Cramp茅.

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