BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T175240EDT-6034NPElr9@ DTSTAMP:20250312T215240Z DESCRIPTION:Smooth Schubert varieties of affine type.\n\nA natural question about Schubert varieties is: when is a Schubert variety smooth? In finite type\, this question is completely solved. Not only can we recognize smoo th Schubert varieties using pattern avoidance\, but we can explicitly cons truct all smooth Schubert varieties as iterated fibre bundles starting fro m a short list of known manifolds. Much less is known about smooth Schuber t varieties of affine type. In this talk\, I will discuss joint work with Ed Richmond in which we show that everything we know about finite type can be extended to affine type A. In particular\, we show that every smooth S chubert variety of affine type A is an iterated fibre bundle of Grassmanni ans. I will also highlight some examples showing that interesting things c an happen in affine type\, including joint work with Lakshmibai and Raviku mar showing that the cotangent bundle to a cominuscule Grassmannian can be embedded in a smooth Schubert variety of an affine two-step partial flag variety.\n DTSTART:20161104T173000Z DTEND:20161104T183000Z LOCATION:Room PK-4323\, CA\, Pavillon Président-Kennedy SUMMARY:William Slofstra\, University of Waterloo URL:/mathstat/channels/event/william-slofstra-universi ty-waterloo-263864 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR