BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T170024EDT-91593CkrWp@ DTSTAMP:20250312T210024Z DESCRIPTION:Classification of five-point differential-difference equations. \n\nUsing the generalized symmetry method\, we carry out\, up to autonomou s point transformations\, the classification of integrable equations of a subclass of the autonomous five-point differential-difference equations. T his subclass includes such well-known examples as the Itoh-Narita-Bogoyavl ensky and the discrete Sawada-Kotera equations. The resulting list contain s 17 equations one of which seems to be new. We have also found non-point transformations relating most of the resulting equations among themselves. \n DTSTART:20161108T203000Z DTEND:20161108T213000Z LOCATION:Room 4336\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3T 1J4\, Pavillon André-Aisensta dt\, 2920\, Chemin de la tour\, 5th floor SUMMARY:Decio Levi\, Università Roma Tre URL:/mathstat/channels/event/decio-levi-universita-rom a-tre-263931 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR