9I制作厂免费 /maxbellschool/taxonomy/term/1460/all en Quebec Superior Court halts adoption of pro-Palestinian 9I制作厂免费 student union policy | CBC News /maxbellschool/channels/news/quebec-superior-court-halts-adoption-pro-palestinian-mcgill-student-union-policy-cbc-news-352998 <p>November 23, 2023 | Some 9I制作厂免费 students say their right to express support for Palestinians is being suppressed, after a Quebec court temporarily put a stop to a student plan to adopt a pro-Palestinian policy at the university.</p> Thu, 23 Nov 2023 18:15:39 +0000 kibel.aker@mcgill.ca 3110 at /maxbellschool Jennifer Welsh Elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences /maxbellschool/channels/news/jennifer-welsh-elected-american-academy-arts-sciences-330716 <p>Max Bell School professor <a href="/maxbellschool/article/mpp-our-people-video/our-people-jennifer-welsh">Jennifer Welsh</a> has been elected to the聽American Academy of Arts & Sciences. A renowned expert on the intersection of聽international relations and public policy, Welsh serves as the director of the聽Centre for International Peace and Security Studies, in addition to her joint appointment between the Max Bell School and 9I制作厂免费's Department of Political Science. Read the 9I制作厂免费 Reporter article to learn more about Welsh's impressive career.</p> Wed, 28 Apr 2021 15:37:54 +0000 matthew.mclaughlin2@mail.mcgill.ca 2473 at /maxbellschool Understanding vaccine hesitancy in Canada | Media Ecosystem Observatory /maxbellschool/channels/news/understanding-vaccine-hesitancy-canada-media-ecosystem-observatory-330646 <p>The Max Bell School's Media Ecosystem Observatory is out with a new research paper on vaccine hesitancy in Canada.</p> <p>Some of the key findings:</p> <p>Sixty-five percent聽of Canadians intend to take a vaccine, with some slight erosion since a high in July. Approximately 15 percent聽of Canadians are unwilling, and an additional 20 percent聽are unsure.聽</p> <p><a href="/maxbellschool/files/maxbellschool/meo_vaccine_hesistancy_1.pdf">Read the full paper here (PDF)</a></p> Mon, 26 Apr 2021 18:18:23 +0000 zhanara.baisalova@mail.mcgill.ca 2468 at /maxbellschool Round Table on the 20 Years of the Protection of Civilians Agenda /maxbellschool/channels/event/round-table-20-years-protection-civilians-agenda-304145 <p><em>Join leading researchers and practitioners as they discuss and reflect on the United Nations' Protection of Civilians Agenda.</em></p> <p><strong>About this Event</strong></p> Wed, 15 Jan 2020 17:26:39 +0000 kunal.rakshit@mail.mcgill.ca 1732 at /maxbellschool