BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T162004EDT-48992wUvUD@ DTSTAMP:20250312T202004Z DESCRIPTION:The Neuro's Dorothy J. Killam Lecture was established in 2004 t o recognize women of influence in business\, science\, politics or the hum anities. Dr. Susan Dymecki\, Professor of Genetics at the Blavatnik Instit ute at Harvard Medical School\, will deliver the 2025 Dorothy J. Killam le cture. A cocktail reception will follow for in-person registered attendees .\n\n\nRegister Now\n\nTo watch online\, click here.\n\n\nAbstract: Dr. Dy mecki will present progress in delineating the developmental specializatio n of subtypes of serotonin producing neurons in the mammalian brain and th eir network architecture\, circuitry modulation\, and selective roles in c ontrolling behavior and physiology ranging from respiration and thermal ba lance to coping behaviors to adapting activity and sleep patterns to chang es in photoperiod. Emerging is a neuronal structure-function map of substa ntial heterogeneity that suggests new ways to conceptualize and design tre atments for serotonin-related disorders\, such as affective disorders\, re spiratory depression\, and the sudden infant death syndrome.\n DTSTART:20250408T200000Z DTEND:20250408T210000Z LOCATION:Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre\, The Neuro SUMMARY:Dorothy J. Killam Lecture: Embracing Differences: Heterogeneity in the Brain Serotonergic Neuronal System URL:/medhealthsci-gradstudies/channels/event/dorothy-j -killam-lecture-embracing-differences-heterogeneity-brain-serotonergic-neu ronal-system-357963 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR