BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T171122EDT-6572B9cXLS@ DTSTAMP:20250312T211122Z DESCRIPTION:The 26th聽Annual Neuropsychology Day and Brenda Milner Lecture h onours the career and achievements of Professor Brenda Milner\, an eminent cognitive neuroscientist and pioneer of the discipline of neuropsychology .\n\n\nTo attend in person\, register here.\n\nTo watch online\, click her e.\n\n\n聽\n\n\n \n Program\n Call for Abstracts\n Directions\n Organizing commi ttee\n \n\n \n Program\n View Preliminary Programme\n\n \n Call for Abstracts\n \n We invite trainees at the undergraduate\, graduate\, and postdoctoral le vel to present their work as posters. Abstracts will also be considered fo r oral presentations.聽\n\n The scientific presentations are intended to ign ite discussion\, collaboration\, and connection among the Montreal cogniti ve neuroscience community. We encourage you to share your most current pro ject in any stage of development\, including literature reviews\, research questions\, and pilot projects.\n\n The deadline to apply is March 22\, 20 25.\n\n Submit Abstract\n \n\n \n Directions\n\n View on Google Maps\n\n The Mon treal Neurological Institute and Hospital is at 3801 University Street\, n orth of Pine Avenue West\, on the 9I制作厂免费 campus opposite the fo rmer Royal Victoria Hospital.\n\n Montreal is served by highway Routes 10\, 15\, 20 and 40\, and by Greyhound Bus\, ViaRail and the P-E-Trudeau airpo rt. In the city\, bus and metro service is provided by the Soci茅t茅 de tran sport de Montr茅al (STM).\n\n Wheelchair access\n\n A wheelchair accessible e ntrance is on University Street north of the main entrance. Another wheelc hair accessible entrance is in the loading area behind the building: to en ter the loading area\, turn into the driveway south of the main entrance. Please note\, there is no parking in the loading area.\n\n Parking\n\n Parki ng near the MNI is sometimes difficult. There are parking meters on Univer sity Street and a parking lot north of the main entrance. To enter the lot \, turn right into the driveway toward Molson Stadium.\n\n Information abou t parking fees\n\n Taxi Stand\n\n There is a taxi stand on University Street across from the main entrance. You may call a cab from the free taxi phon e in the main lobby near the Security Desk.\n\n Access by Public Transporta tion聽(STM website)\n\n Bus\n\n There are four bus stops within walking dista nce:\n\n \n Bus 144 stops at Pine Avenue and University Street\n Bus 356 stop s at Sherbrooke Street and University Street (Nightbus)\n Bus 107 stops at Pine Avenue and Docteur Penfield\n Bus 24 stops at Sherbrooke Street and Un iversity Street\n \n\n Metro\n\n Take the Metro Green Line to the 9I制作厂免费 stat ion. Walk north on University Street and cross Pine Avenue. The main entra nce is on the right\, past the flags.\n\n Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre\n\n \n Enter main lobby turn left and go down the hallway to the end.\n Turn right and go down the second hallway until you see another hallway on the left. \n This hallway leads to the Jeanne Timmins Foyer.\n On your聽right聽are the J eanne Timmins Amphitheatre entrance doors.\n \n \n\n \n Organizing Committee\n \n Xiaoqian Chai\n\n Maiya Rachel Geddes\n\n Denise Klein\n\n Annie Le Bire\n \n Deborah Rashcovsky\n\n Nathan Spreng\n \n\n DTSTART:20250505T153000Z DTEND:20250505T210000Z LOCATION:Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre\, The Neuro SUMMARY:26th Annual Neuropsychology Day and Brenda Milner Lecture URL:/medhealthsci-gradstudies/channels/event/26th-annu al-neuropsychology-day-and-brenda-milner-lecture-362436 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR