BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T164502EDT-9960t7Rkzp@ DTSTAMP:20250312T204502Z DESCRIPTION:\nThe Neuro Epilepsy Day is a half-day event. The day will focu s on neurodegeration and tauopathy in epilepsy\, and its implications for cognition and disease progression.\n\n\nRegister Here\n\nWatch online here \, no registration required.\n\n\nThe Pierre Gloor lecture honours the lif e and legacy of Pierre Gloor (1923-2003) who joined 9I制作厂免费's Montreal Neur ological Institute in 1952 as a fellow in electroencephalography and neuro physiology. He studied with Wilder Penfield and Herbert Jasper\, eventuall y receiving his Ph.D. from 9I制作厂免费 in 1957. Pierre Gloor worked closely wit h the clinical and research teams at the Montreal Neurological Institute i n the treatment of epilepsy. His work in understanding and treating this d isorder earned him a worldwide reputation.\n\n\n\n \n Programme\n Location\n C all for Posters\n Scientific Committee\n \n\n \n Thursday\, May 29\, 2025\n\n \n \n \n 11:00\n \n Welcome and Introduction\n\n Boris Bernhardt\, PhD\n Associat e Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery\n Epilepsy Group Leader (Research )\, The Neuro\n \n \n \n 11:15\n \n Trainee Presentations\n\n Host: Alex Barnett\ , PhD\n Assistant Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery\, The Neuro\n \n \n \n 12:15\n \n Lunch and Poster Session\n \n \n \n 13:45\n \n Pierre Gloor Lectures \n\n Welcome and Speaker Introduction:聽Raluca Pana\, MD\n Epilepsy Group Lea der (Clinical)\, The Neuro\n\n Lecture聽1\n Maria Thom\n Professor of Neuropat hology\, UCL\n\n Lecture 2\n Matthias Koepp\n Professor of Neurology\, UCL\n \n \n \n 15:45\n \n Closing Remarks\n\n Boris Bernhardt and Raluca Pana\n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n Location\n\n The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital is at 3801 University Street\, north of Pine Avenue West\, on the 9I制作厂免费 Univer sity campus opposite the former Royal Victoria Hospital.\n\n Montreal is se rved by highway Routes 10\, 15\, 20 and 40\, and by Greyhound Bus\, Via Ra il and the P-E-Trudeau airport. In the city\, bus and metro service is pro vided by the Soci茅t茅 de transport de Montr茅al (STM).\n\n Wheelchair access \n\n A wheelchair accessible entrance is on University Street north of the main entrance. Another wheelchair accessible entrance is in the loading ar ea behind the building: to enter the loading area\, turn into the driveway south of the main entrance. Please note\, there is no parking in the load ing area.\n\n Parking\n\n Parking near the MNI is sometimes difficult. There are parking meters on University Street and a parking lot north of the ma in entrance. To enter the lot\, turn right into the driveway toward Molson Stadium.\n\n Information about parking fees\n\n Taxi Stand\n\n There is a ta xi stand on University Street across from the main entrance. You may call a cab from the free taxi phone in the main lobby near the Security Desk.\n \n Access by Public Transportation聽(STM website)\n\n Bus\n\n There are four b us stops within walking distance:\n\n \n Bus 144 stops at Pine Avenue and Un iversity Street\n Bus 356 stops at Sherbrooke Street and University Street (Nightbus)\n Bus 107 stops at Pine Avenue and Docteur Penfield\n Bus 24 stop s at Sherbrooke Street and University Street\n \n\n Metro\n\n Take the Metro Green Line to the 9I制作厂免费 station. Walk north on University Street and cros s Pine Avenue. The main entrance is on the right\, past the flags.\n\n Jean ne Timmins Amphitheatre\n\n \n Enter the main lobby\, turn left\, and go dow n the hallway to the end.\n Turn right and go down the second hallway until you see another hallway on the left.\n This hallway leads to the Jeanne Ti mmins Foyer.\n On your聽right聽are the Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre entrance d oors.\n \n \n\n \n Call for Posters聽\n\n Sharing Science and Knowledge\n\n Train ees at the undergraduate\, graduate\, and postdoctoral level are invited t o present their work as posters. Abstracts will also be considered for an oral presentation.聽\n\n The scientific presentations are intended to ignite discussion\, collaboration\, and connection among the Montreal epilepsy c ommunity. We encourage you to share your most current project in any stage of development\, research questions\, and pilot projects.聽\n\n The deadlin e for submission is April 25\, 2025.\n\n Submit Abstract\n \n\n \n Scientific Committee\n\n Boris Bernhardt\n\n Raluca Pana\n\n Alexander Barnett\n\n 聽\n\n 聽 \n\n \n \n\n DTSTART:20250529T150000Z DTEND:20250529T200000Z LOCATION:Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre\, The Neuro SUMMARY:Neuro Epilepsy Day 2025 URL:/medhealthsci-gradstudies/channels/event/neuro-epi lepsy-day-2025-361722 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR