BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T231151EDT-12655NCXvh@ DTSTAMP:20250313T031151Z DESCRIPTION:Join us on May 11\, 2022\, at noon for the next聽9I制作厂免费 Cares聽we bcast in French to support informal caregivers. During candid\, 30-minute interviews with leading experts\, Claire Webster explores topics related t o caring for a loved one with dementia.聽聽聽\n\nInterview with Celebrity Car egiver Chlo茅 Sainte-Marie\n\nActor and singer Chlo茅 Sainte-Marie was a car egiver to her life partner\, Gilles Carle\, and is an advocate for caregiv ers in Quebec.聽 Her new alblum\, Maudit Silence\, will be released in Sept ember 2022.聽聽聽\n\nChlo茅 Sainte-Marie will share her own caregiving journey and how it led to her founding La Fondation Maison Gilles-Carle.聽 She wil l answer questions about the services provided at the various Maison Gille s-Carle centres located throughout the province\, and explain how Quebec c aregivers can access their services.聽\n\nThis webcast will be in French.\n \nTo watch the webcast\,聽click here聽at聽12 pm EDT Wednesday\, May 11\, 2022 \, when the link will become public and accessible.聽\n DTSTART:20220511T160000Z DTEND:20220511T163000Z SUMMARY:9I制作厂免费 Cares: Interview with Celebrity Caregiver Chlo茅 Sainte-Marie URL:/medsimcentre/channels/event/mcgill-cares-intervie w-celebrity-caregiver-chloe-sainte-marie-339247 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR