Albert Berghuis
Academic title(s):
Antimicrobials, Antibiotic Resistance and Crystallography

Faculty Members
9I制作厂免费 Life Sciences Complex, Bellini Pavillion
Awards, honours, and fellowships:
Canada Research Chair in Structural Biology
Current research:
Current research in the group led by Prof. Berghuis focuses on exploiting various complementary structural biology approaches (e.g. X-ray diffraction/scattering and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy) in combination with biophysical studies (e.g. isothermal titration calorimetry) to examine protein-drug interactions in atomic detail. One of the research directions pursued by Dr. Berghuis is the structural elucidation of bacterial proteins that provide protection to antibiotics, thus conferring antimicrobial resistance. These studies have informed the development of next-generation antibiotics that are less susceptible to resistance, and the design of adjuvants that enhance the effectiveness of antibiotic therapies.
Selected publications: