
Agilent 7820GC/5977B MSD

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Application: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of volatile compounds such as PAH in extracted oil and tissue samples. Recent application includes quantification of flame retardant; identification and quantification of synthesized functional food ingredients; linkage analysis of oligosaccharides extracted from food.

Instrument parameters:

  • GC oven temperature setpoint resolution: 1 oC
  • Ionization mode: +ve ion EI
  • MSD type: single quadrupole MS
  • Operating modes: Full scan MS; SIM MS; SIM/Scan simultaneously.
  • m/z range:1.6-1050
  • mass accuracy: 卤0.2u
  • Sample inlet: Agilent 7820GC system with autosampler

Location: Macdonald-Stewart building, rm3-064

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