BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T184036EDT-9532v6hEsJ@ DTSTAMP:20250312T224036Z DESCRIPTION:Part of our “Exploring Indigenous Perspectives” summer series\n \nJoin us for a “day-before” event to mark National Indigenous People’s Da y at MORSL! During this afternoon event\, we’ll be showcasing books by Ind igenous authors that can be found in our spirituality and wellness collect ion\, tasting bannock bread and screening videos.\n\nVisitors are eligible to win a beautiful calendar that lists a wide range of holidays and holy days\, illustrated by diverse artists including Odawa-Ojibway painter Zoey Wood-Salomon.\n\nPlease RSVP on our webform to help us plan for quantitie s and to be eligible for our doorprize drawing.\n\nHaving trouble with the link? Copy and paste this URL into your browser: /mo rsl/rsvp-morsl-national-indigenous-peoples-day-celeb...\n\nInterested in m ore programming like this? Check out the entire series on the attached pos ter.\n DTSTART:20190620T160000Z DTEND:20190620T190000Z LOCATION:MORSL Suite\, 2nd floor\, Presbyterian College\, CA\, QC\, Montrea l\, H3A 2A8\, 3495 rue University SUMMARY:MORSL Celebrates National Indigenous People’s Day URL:/morsl/channels/event/morsl-celebrates-national-in digenous-peoples-day-297766 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR