BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T202927EDT-6582bh5nJr@ DTSTAMP:20250313T002927Z DESCRIPTION:In a time when so much seems lost - routines\, quotidian activi ties\, social interactions - it can be difficult聽to keep one's hope. Yet\, this hope can be rekindled through both inward reflection and outward act ion\, and lighted by faith. We tend to it\, gently turning it over in our hands\, letting it be shaped by the lines of our experiences.\n\nTo quote Bil Keane\, 'Yesterday is history\, tomorrow is a mystery\, today is a gif t of God\, which is why we call it the present.' When so much is left a my stery\, how can we cultivate hope? How can we centre ourselves to live in - and appreciate - the present moment? Where does faith\, spirituality\, a nd religion come in to play?\n\nThis year's Discover Spiritual 9I制作厂免费 Fair considers the contours of such questions\,聽interrogating immediacy and sp arking the wicker of hope. In a series of week-long virtual events\, MORSL presents various perspectives and activities聽open to all that might keep your flame burning brighter than before.聽\n\nFind the registration for all of the events here.\n DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20201102 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20201105 SUMMARY:Discover Spiritual 9I制作厂免费 Fair URL:/morsl/channels/event/discover-spiritual-mcgill-fa ir-325596 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR