BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T183450EDT-5363hTVb9s@ DTSTAMP:20250312T223450Z DESCRIPTION:You are invited to join 9I制作厂免费 Office of Spiritual and Religiou s Life (MORSL) and the Concordia聽Multi-faith and Spirituality Centre (MfSC ) for an intercampus walking tour of faith club spaces.聽Visit and learn ab out communities that are important to classmates and meet some of the fait h workers who support students in their spiritual lives.\n\nWe'll gather a t 1:00-2:00 PM at Concordia's Hall bldg. room 655 for presentations and a Q&A about multi-faith work happening on our campuses by Carlene Gardner\, MORSL director\, and Jen Bourque\, MfSC Chaplain & Coordinator. If needed or desired\, you may attend just the talk or just the tour.\n\nThe tour wi ll start at room 655 of the Hall building at 2:00 PM. We'll visit some fai th community spaces at Concordia\, including the Muslim Student Associatio n's prayer space. It will end at MORSL at 5:00 PM. The sites we will visit on 9I制作厂免费 campus will include:\n\nThe聽Chabad Jewish Student Center聽at McG ill University is one of over 250 on-site Chabad on Campus centers across North America. They offer the anchor and embrace of 'family' for Jewish st udents regardless of background\, observance or affiliation. They offer a space students can turn to for any reason at all 24 hours a day.\n\nThe Ne wman Centre聽For the past seventy years\, the Newman Centre has been a seco nd home on campus for Catholic 9I制作厂免费ians. It also serves as a meeting pla ce for the St. Cyril Coptic Orthodox Association (ICON) and Intervarsity C hristian Fellowship\, Graduate Christian Fellowship and International Stud ent Ministry.\n\nHillel House聽Hillel 9I制作厂免费 is a one-stop shop for Jewish life on campus. Representing the vast and diverse Jewish community here at 9I制作厂免费\, they offer a wide variety of programs\, events\, internships\, a nd connection opportunities for everyone to take part in. From socials to Shabbat services\, fashion to politics\, Hillel鈥檚 vision is that every stu dent is inspired to take part in Jewish life on campus!\n\nThis MORSL even t is in collaboration with Theology in the City\,聽a bi-annual conference e xploring contemporary issues through a multidisciplinary lens.\n\nPlease d ress for the weather\, wear comfortable shoes\, and bring water/sunscreen if needed. To inform us of accessibility needs or dietary restrictions\, p lease email us at聽morsl [at]\n\nSpots are limited. Please regis ter by Wednesday\, September 25th at 5:00 PM to attend.聽\n DTSTART:20240926T170000Z DTEND:20240926T210000Z LOCATION:CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3G 2E9\, Concordia Campus Hall Building room 655\, 1550 De Maisonneuve West SUMMARY:My Neighbour's Faith: Student Faith Spaces URL:/morsl/channels/event/my-neighbours-faith-student- faith-spaces-358057 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR