Radio-France presents a candid conversation with composition professor Denys Bouliane

Schulich composition professor Denys Bouliane was the featured artist on March 20th in a Radio-France program devoted to his work.  The  with animator Bruno Letort can be heard in its entirety and features large excerpts of his seminal works.  For Bouliane,  teaching composition is like the act of composing itself: you can have manifold interests and an open mind, but ultimately you cannot offer more than who you are. Composers say: "I am working on this particular piece…" Actually composers work on themselves.
This fascinating interview explores the mastermind behind someone who noted British star-composer Julian Anderson has described as someone who "has consistently and steadily developed his independent aesthetic stance and musical vocabulary over decades and his output has maintained a highly distinctive stylistic profile internationally […]- Key earlier works such as Douze Tiroirs de Demi-Vérites, the orchestral Le Cactus Rieur, Comme un silène, and the ensemble piece A propos… et le Baron perché? have retained their freshness and relevance in today's cultural climate [...] the music of Denys Bouliane constitutes Canada's most consistently nationally and internationally distinguished contribution to the field of art music composition in the past thirty years."