

Schulich community among winners of JM Canada Contest

Published: 21 July 2020

The results of JM Canada Foundation’s Do Mi Si La Do Ré (Home Sweet Home) Contest are in and we are pleased to see members of the Schulich alumni represented among the list of winners! Congratulations to:

(Artistic Prize, Second - $10,000)
(33 Musicians’ Grant - $2,000)
(33 Musicians’ Grant - $2,000)

Click on each winner’s name to see their prize-winning submission.

Created at the beginning of the pandemic to support young musicians, the Contest invited young Canadians to compose and perform a classical musical piece of 3 minutes or less on theme of the musical phrase: Do Mi Si La Do Ré (Domicile Adoré, or Home Sweet Home in English). This successful Contest distributed $128,000 in prizes and bursaries to 74 young Canadian artists.

Did we miss someone’s name? Email us at publicity.music [at] mcgill.ca to let us know.

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