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Composition; D.Mus.
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Music Technology; Ph.D.
Music Theory; Ph.D.
Performance Studies; D.Mus.
Sound Recording; Ph.D.
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(Cert.) Performance Choral Conducting
9I制作厂免费-UdeM Piano-Vocal Arts Residency
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Saxophone Day Registration / Journ茅es du saxophone de 9I制作厂免费 2024 formulaire d'inscription
First name / Pr茅nom :
Last name / Nom de famille :
Email address / Addresse courriel :
City / Ville :
Province (State) / Province (脡tat) :
Postal code / Code postal :
Tell us about yourself / Parlez-nous de vous
You are attending as a: / Vous participerez en tant que :
Saxophone Student / 脡tudiant(e) saxophoniste
Saxophone Enthusiast (General Public) / 鈥淔an de saxophone鈥 (Grand public)
What is your current school of music and professor? / Quelle est votre institution d鈥檈nseignement et nom du professeur de saxophone ?
Are you interested in applying for undergraduate or graduate studies in music? / Avez-vous l鈥檌ntention de poursuivre des 茅tudes musicales au baccalaur茅at ou aux cycles sup茅rieurs ?
Yes / Oui
No / Non
Would you consider enrolling in a program at 9I制作厂免费? / Consid茅rez-vous faire une demande d鈥檃dmission 脿 l鈥橴niversit茅 9I制作厂免费 ?
Yes / Oui
No / Non
Level of study
Undergraduate studies / 1er cycle
Graduate studies / cycles sup茅rieurs
Undergraduate program / Programmes de premier cycle :
I don't know
Music Education (B.Mus. / B.Ed.)
Music History/Musicology
Music Theory major
Early Music (Instruments)
Early Music (Voice)
Faculty Program
Faculty Program (Jazz Concentration)
Jazz (instruments and voice)
Orchestral Instruments (Brass, Percussion, Strings, Woodwinds)
Organ / Guitar
Licentiate Diploma in Music
Minor in Music
Graduate program level / Cycles sup茅rieurs
Graduate - Master's level
Graduate - Doctoral level
Graduate - Diplomas in Performance
Master's program / Ma卯trise en musique
I don't know
Music Education
Music History / Musicology
Music Technology
Music Theory
Sound Recording
Gender and Women's Studies (Musicology or Music Theory)
Early Music Performance
M.Mus. - Jazz Performance
Opera and Voice Performance
Orchestral Instruments and Guitar Performance
Organ / Harpsichord Performance
Piano Performance
Collaborative Piano Performance
Doctoral program / Dipl么me d'茅tudes postdoctorales
I don't know
D.Mus. Performance Studies
D.Mus. - Composition
Ph.D. - Composition
Ph.D. - Applied Performance Sciences
Ph.D. - Music Education
Ph.D. - Musicology
Ph.D. - Music Technology
Ph.D.. - Music Theory
Ph.D. - Sound Recording
Gender and Women's Studies (Specialization)
Graduate Diploma options / programmes d'茅tudes sup茅rieure
Graduate Diploma in Performance
Post-Graduate Artist Diploma in Performance
Workshops and performance /Ateliers et prestation
I wish to play in the masterclass (open to: college and university students, soloists and saxophone ensembles) / Je souhaite jouer dans le cours de ma卯tre (solistes et ensembles de saxophones de niveau coll茅gial et universitaire)
Yes / Oui
No / Non
Please select from the following options: / Veuillez choisir parmi les options suivantes :
Yes / Oui
No / Non
October 25 / le 25 octobre
October 25 / le 25 octobre - Yes / Oui
October 25 / le 25 octobre - No / Non
October 26 / le 26 octobre
October 26 / le 26 octobre - Yes / Oui
October 26 / le 26 octobre - No / Non
What repertoire (piece) would you like to present? / Quelle pi猫ce voulez-vous pr茅senter ?
What repertoire (piece) would you like to present? / Quelle pi猫ce voulez-vous pr茅senter ?
NOTE: For saxophone ensembles, each performer should fill out the form. / NOTE : Pour les ensembles de saxophones, chaque participant doit remplir le formulaire.
I wish to play in the saxophone choir (high school and college students) / Je souhaite jouer dans le ch艙ur de saxophones (茅tudiants du secondaire et du coll茅gial)
Yes / Oui
No / Non
On which saxophone? / Sur quel saxophone ?
Alto / alto
Tenor / t茅nor
Baritone / baryton
Soprano/ soprano
I am available to play in the afternoon concert on October 26 /Je suis disponible pour participer au concert gala le 26 octobre 脿 13 h
Yes / Oui
No / Non
Leave this field blank
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