BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250314T072858EDT-0477E2IE2H@ DTSTAMP:20250314T112858Z DESCRIPTION:To help international students navigate their graduate experien ce\, Graduate Postdoctoral Services invites you to participate in this spe cial edition workshop created by myPath to help you write your own Individ ual Development Plan (IDP) from an international student's perspective.  J oin facilitators Olawale Dudubo (PhD Dentistry) and Meiting Chen (PhD Educ ational Psychology) in this reflective\, motivating\, strategic planning-b ased workshop made by international students for international students. L unch is provided for registered participants The program consists of 2 mee tings scheduled 1 week apart. Registering is a commitment to attend both d ays NO-SHOW FEE ALERT: There is no fee for attending Peer Pathways\, howev er this workshop will be subject to a no-show fee as registering for a wor kshop is a commitment to attend. If you can no longer attend\, make sure t o cancel your registration by filling out our cancellation form (found on our website /skillsets/policies) at least 24 hours be fore the workshop. Otherwise\, a $25 No-Show Fee will be charged to your M cGill student account. For more information on our policy\, please go to w OutlineDay 1: Reflect\, Share\, Get Motiva ted Make connections with other international and like-minded students. Id entify how international student identity fits into the graduate student e xperience.Gain a bird’s eye view of your journey as an international stude nt.Address motivation and begin seeing how goals fit into your graduate sc hool journey.Day 2: Plan Your Goals!Identify key priorities for this term/ year. Strategically plan your path towards your goals while building the I DP REGISTER HERE! DTSTART:20250326T153000Z DTEND:20250326T173000Z LOCATION:Macdonald-Stewart Building\, CA\, QC\, St Anne de Bellevue\, H9X 3 V9\, 21111 Lakeshore Road SUMMARY:Peer Pathways for International Students - Part 1 @ MAC Campus URL:/mypath/channels/event/peer-pathways-international -students-part-1-mac-campus-362977 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR