BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250310T223332EDT-2850vVkIE9@ DTSTAMP:20250311T023332Z DESCRIPTION:Dr Seán Froudist-Walsh presents\, 'Gradients of receptor expres sion shape distributed cognitive functions”.\n\nRegistration available her e. \n\nSpeaker: Seán Froudist-Walsh\, Ph.D.\n\nNew York University\, USA\n \nAbstract: Neural circuit dynamics and cognitive functions depend on syna ptic interactions mediated by receptors. However\, comprehensive maps of r eceptor expression in the cortex are lacking. Additionally\, most large-sc ale models of the cortex focus on resting-state functional connectivity\, but little is known about the multi-regional circuit mechanisms that give rise to cognitive function. We used in-vitro receptor autoradiography to m easure the density of 14 neurotransmitter receptor types in 109 areas of t he macaque cortex and built a novel connectome-based dynamical model of th e cortex. We uncovered a principal gradient of receptor expression per neu ron that increased along the cortical hierarchy and a second gradient that separated higher cognitive networks. We show in our dynamical model how r eward-predicting stimuli engage D1 receptors in a graded manner along the cortex. This can switch working memory storage from an activity-silent syn aptic mechanism to distributed persistent activity\, which is more robust against distraction. Furthermore\, we show that\, counterintuitively\, a d ecrease in the NMDA/AMPA receptor ratio along the cortical hierarchy enabl es the rapid ignition of distributed neural activity that\, in experiments \, occurs when individuals become consciously aware of a stimulus. Taken t ogether\, our work represents a cross-level understanding that links molec ules\, cell types\, recurrent circuit dynamics and core cognitive function s distributed across the cortex.\n\nBio: During his PhD and early postdoc\ , Seán investigated the neuromodulators and networks underlying memory in human and non-human primates using a variety of experimental techniques. H e is now a postdoc in Xiao-Jing Wang's lab at New York University. He inte grates multiple forms of anatomical and functional data to build connectom e-based dynamical models of the brain. This work aims to understand how su btle differences in neuroanatomical properties lead to different brain net works producing distinct functions\, and to shed light on how multiple cog nitive functions interact in the brain.\n\n\nThe Feindel Virtual Brain and Mind (VBM) Seminar Series will advance the vision of Dr. William Feindel (1918–2014)\, Former Director of the Neuro (1972–1984)\, to constantly bri dge the clinical and research realms. The talks will highlight the latest advances and discoveries in neuropsychology\, cognitive neuroscience\, and neuroimaging.\n\nSpeakers will include scientists from across The Neuro\, as well as colleagues and collaborators locally and from around the world . The series is intended to provide a virtual forum for scientists and tra inees to continue to foster interdisciplinary exchanges on the mechanisms\ , diagnosis and treatment of brain and cognitive disorders.\n DTSTART:20210915T200000Z DTEND:20210915T210000Z SUMMARY:Feindel Virtual Brain and Mind Lecture Series: Gradients of recepto r expression shape distributed cognitive functions URL:/neuro/channels/event/feindel-virtual-brain-and-mi nd-lecture-series-gradients-receptor-expression-shape-distributed-333213 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR