BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250325T231804EDT-8228iiDGWT@ DTSTAMP:20250326T031804Z DESCRIPTION:The Neuro's Dorothy J. Killam Lecture was established in 2004 t o recognize women of influence in business\, science\, politics or the hum anities. Professor Marlene Behrmann will deliver the 2024 Dorothy J. Killa m Lecture entitled\, 'Complex Pattern Recognition: Are Two Half-Brains Bet ter Than One?' A cocktail reception will follow.\n\nTo register\, click he re\n\nTo watch via Vimeo\, click here\n\nMarlene Behrmann\n\nProfessor\, D epartment of Ophthalmology\, University of Pittsburgh Medical School\, USA \n\nAbstract: \n\nThe study of cerebral organization\, including differenc es in hemispheric structure and function\, have a longstanding history in Cognitive Neuroscience. With regard to visual perception\, one view has as serted that\, in ventral occipitotemporal cortex\, there are independent a nd largely lateralized domain-specific regions\, which are specialized for the recognition of distinct classes of objects. I will offer an alternati ve account of the organization of the hemispheres\, and their contribution to complex pattern recognition. Drawing on evidence from neuropsychologic al\, computation and neuroimaging studies in health and disease\, I will p ropose that the hemispheric arrangement emerges through the interaction of three computational principles: distributed representations and knowledge \, cooperation and competition between representations\, and a topographic bias favoring spatial proximity. The crux of the account is that visual r ecognition results from the interactive engagement of a network of regions \, which is distributed within and across both hemispheres\, and which evi nce graded functional specialization. Data will be used to test prediction s such as specific collaborative and competitive synergies of hemispheric biases that play out over the course of development and the extent to whic h a single hemisphere might suffice for recognition. Last\, I will lay out open questions which will\, undoubtedly\, occupy the field into the futur e.\n DTSTART:20240409T200000Z DTEND:20240409T210000Z LOCATION:de Grandpre Communications Centre\, Montreal Neurological Institut e\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 2B4\, 3801 rue University SUMMARY:Dorothy J Killam Lecture: Complex Pattern Recognition: Are Two Half -Brains Better Than One? URL:/neuro/channels/event/dorothy-j-killam-lecture-com plex-pattern-recognition-are-two-half-brains-better-one-341382 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR