BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250325T231804EDT-0027BZNgkN@ DTSTAMP:20250326T031803Z DESCRIPTION:The Equity\, Diversity and Inclusion Committee is happy to anno unce a new seminar series: the Equity in Healthcare and Research Seminar S eries. The series will bring together local\, national and international e xperts to lead discussions on fundamental issues central to healthcare and research in Canada. The overarching objective is to initiate and advance dialogues on issues surrounding justice and equity in the medical and heal th sciences among practitioners\, researchers\, trainees\, funders\, and o ther members in the medical community.\n\n\nRegister to attend virtually o r in-person\n\n\nUltimately\, we hope that these discussions will raise aw areness of the past and present-day challenges faced regarding equity in t he field of healthcare and health research\, and initiatives for change be ing lead in Montreal\, Canada\, and globally.\n\nThe first seminar of the series\, titled “Indigenous Realities in Healthcare” will be on March 1 in the de Grandpré Communications Centre\, from 12-1:30 followed by a 30-min ute reception. The focus of this specific panel discussion is to present I ndigenous perspectives within the Canadian and Quebec healthcare system.\n \nThe series is open to everyone and will be streamed via Zoom for those w ho cannot attend in person. The 30-minute reception is meant to facilitate casual questions and answers between the speakers and the audience.\n\nSp eakers:\n\n\n Dr. Rheanna Robinson\, Associate Professor Department of Firs t Nations Studies\, University of Northern British Columbia\n Houssameddine Kalach\, Clinical Manager and Partnership\, Ullivik\, Innulitsivik Health Center\n Samantha Gilbert\, Nurse on 3 neurosciences unit\n Samir Shaheen-H ussain\, Associate Professor (Department of Pediatrics) and Associate Memb er (School of Population and Global Health) at 9I's Faculty of Medicin e & Health Sciences\, and Pediatric Emergency Physician\n\n DTSTART:20240301T170000Z DTEND:20240301T190000Z LOCATION:de Grandpré Communications Centre\, Montreal Neurological Institut e\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 2B4\, 3801 rue University SUMMARY:Equity in Healthcare and Research Seminar Series: Indigenous Realit ies in Healthcare URL:/neuro/channels/event/equity-healthcare-and-resear ch-seminar-series-indigenous-realities-healthcare-355465 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR