BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250325T213756EDT-9284bDubg7@ DTSTAMP:20250326T013756Z DESCRIPTION:Atelier 'Créer de protocoles virtuels'\n\nJeudi\, le 16 janvier 2025\n 16:15 – 17:15 h HNE\n  \n\nCentre de communications de Grandpré – Le Neuro et sur Zoom.\n Directions\n\nInscription gratuite : Cliquez-ici\n\n— ———————————————————————————————————\n\nWorkshop 'Creating Virtual Protocol s'\n\nThursday\, January 16\, 2025\n 4:15 – 5:15 p.m. EST\n\nde Grandpre Co mmunications Centre\, the Neuro or join on Zoom.\n Directions\n\nRegistrati on is FREE: Click Here\n\n \n\nCecilia Rocha\n Senior Research Associate\, Early Drug Discovery Unit (EDDU)\, The Neuro\, 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ\n\nCecili a Rocha is a Senior Research Associate with experience in brain developmen t. Cecilia has a master’s in Molecular Biology by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundat ion (FIOCRUZ\, Rio de Janeiro\, Brazil) and obtained her PhD in Cellular B iology working on cytoskeletal alterations at the Institute Curie\, France . After her postdoc working on neuronal cytoskeleton and development\, Cec ilia started working at the Neuro EDDU where she has been for the past 6 y ears developing iPSC-derived 2D and 3D neuronal models to study the molecu lar basis of neurological diseases and testing targets to help identify po tential therapies.\n\nAbstract\n\nThe Early Drug Discovery Unit (EDDU) mis sion is to accelerate the development of new therapies for patients living with brain disorders. The EDDU is an active participant in fostering and practising open science\, and we train researchers to work with induced pl uripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by offering trainings and workshops to the sc ientific community\, as well as providing our written and video protocols that are freely available at the EDDU website. In this section I will shar e my experience developing the protocols and video materials showing how o ur team used the appropriate tools to create our virtual and interactive i PSC training. She will share practical tips that can be used to create you r own video or written protocol and learn how to share them openly!\n\n \n \nVisit the event web page for more information.\n\nContact Open Science O ffice Hours to book a one-on-one with our month expert!\n osoh.neuro [at] m\n  \n\nOpen Science Office Hours (OSOH) is an initiative of the Ta nenbaum Open Science Institute (TOSI)\, led by Neuro trainees\, and suppor ted by the McConnell Foundation and the TOSI Trainee Council. We organize events\, provide one-on-one support\, and curate resources to make it easy for neuroscience researchers at all levels to integrate Open Science prac tices in their work.\n DTSTART:20250116T211500Z DTEND:20250116T221500Z LOCATION:Montreal Neurological Institute\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 2B4\, 3 801 rue University SUMMARY:Open Science Office Hours - – Creating Virtual Protocols URL:/neuro/channels/event/open-science-office-hours-cr eating-virtual-protocols-362425 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR