BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250325T213802EDT-9552TvlBrj@ DTSTAMP:20250326T013802Z DESCRIPTION:Atelier 'Open Ephys: Le Miniscope'\n\nJeudi\, le 20 Mars 2025\n 12:00 – 13:00 h HNE\n\nSur Zoom.\n\nInscription gratuite : Cliquez-ici\n\n ————————————————————————————————————\n\nWorkshop 'Open Ephys: Miniscope'\n \nMiniscope Acquisition Systems\n\nThursday\, March 20\, 2025\n 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. EST\n\nVia Zoom\n\nRegistration is FREE: Click Here\n\n \n\nCe cilia Herbert\n\nTraining\, Support\, Outreach Scientific Team Lead at the Open Ephys Production Site\n\nCecilia is a neuroscientist dedicated to di sseminating open source technology. She leads the Training\, Support and O utreach Scientific Team at Open Ephys\, a company that develops\, produces and distributes open-source tools for neuroscience. Since getting involve d in this field in 2020\, she has participated in numerous workshops\, out reach events\, and advanced training courses\, and has organized the Elect rophysiology Acquisition NeuroKit Course. Her talks and course modules hig hlight open source hardware and software for electrophysiology\, neuronal imaging\, and behavioral acquisition and control in freely moving animals. Acting as a link between developers and users\, Cecilia strives to demyst ify technical concepts and listen to community needs to contribute back to open-source projects. She focuses on spreading knowledge inclusively and accessibly—particularly to new users and across language barriers—through hands-on\, interactive activities\, in the hope of empowering researchers with the flexibility and independence to tackle their scientific questions .\n\nAbstract\n\nAt Open Ephys we develop\, produce and distribute ready-t o-use open-source tools for neuroscience. In this talk\, I will cover the  acquisition system options we have for miniscopes\, the Miniscope DAQ and ONIX\, highlighting our work adapting the original UCLA Miniscope design f or production. I will present our developments for the ecosystem such as o ur torque-free commutator\, how we provide Technical Support and Repairs\, and what Training options are available. I’ll demo acquisition in the Min iscope-DAQ-qt software and Bonsai. I hope to engage in discussions with ex perienced and new users to continue to improve the technology and resource s available.\n\n \n\nVisit the event web page for more information.\n\nCon tact:\n osoh.neuro [at]\n  \n\nOpen Science Office Hours (OSOH) is an initiative of the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute (TOSI)\, led by Neu ro trainees\, and supported by the McConnell Foundation and the TOSI Train ee Council. We organize events\, provide one-on-one support\, and curate r esources to make it easy for neuroscience researchers at all levels to int egrate Open Science practices in their work.\n DTSTART:20250320T160000Z DTEND:20250320T170000Z LOCATION:Montreal Neurological Institute\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 2B4\, 3 801 rue University SUMMARY:Open Science Office Hours - – Open Ephys: Miniscope URL:/neuro/channels/event/open-science-office-hours-op en-ephys-miniscope-364191 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR