mcgill faculty of medicine research /neuro/taxonomy/term/166/all en CANCELED Open Science Office Hours - – Open Publishing /neuro/channels/event/canceled-open-science-office-hours-open-publishing-360788 <h2>Please note that this event was canceled. Veuillez noter que cet événement a été annulé.</h2> <h2> </h2> <h2><strong>Atelier "La Publication Ouverte</strong><b>"</b></h2> <p><b>Mardi, le 12 novembre 2024<br /> 16 – 17 h HNE</b><br />  </p> Wed, 30 Oct 2024 19:46:02 +0000 6246 at /neuro Epilepsy Day 2017 /neuro/channels/news/epilepsy-day-2017-267071 <p><span>March 26 is Purple Day for Epilepsy, a day to support epilepsy awareness worldwide</span></p> <p>The Neuro has been a world leader in epilepsy treatment and research for more than 60 years. Indeed, the “Montreal Procedure” developed by The Neuro’s founder, Dr. Wilder Penfield, and his colleagues has become the standard operating procedure for the surgical treatment of epilepsy. The Neuro was also a pioneering institute in exploiting electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to study and treat epilepsy.</p> Wed, 15 Mar 2017 19:13:36 +0000 2525 at /neuro Purple Day March 26 - A World Day for Epilepsy Awareness /neuro/channels/news/purple-day-march-26-world-day-epilepsy-awareness-243801 <p>The Neuro has been at the forefront of epilepsy treatment and research for over half a century. The “Montreal Procedure” developed by Dr. Wilder Penfield and colleagues revolutionized the surgical treatment for epilepsy, allowing thousands of patients to start new lives free of seizures. The use of electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the study and treatment of epilepsy was pioneered at The Neuro.</p> Thu, 26 Mar 2015 13:48:11 +0000 1383 at /neuro Using patients’ own cells to accelerate research into neurological disease /neuro/channels/news/using-patients-own-cells-accelerate-research-neurological-disease-244516 <p><em>$1 M gift from Mr. J. Sebastian van Berkom launches translational research into neurological disease </em></p> <p>A patient’s very own skin cells may hold the key to new treatments and even cures for devastating neurological diseases. A generous $1 million donation from Mr. J. Sebastian van Berkom, and critical partnerships with Brain Canada, Laval University, Marigold Foundation and the FRQS-Réseau Parkinson Quebec are driving an innovative, iPSC (induced pluripotent stem cell) research platform that will transform research into Parkinson’s and other neurological diseases.</p> Tue, 31 Mar 2015 13:29:50 +0000 1395 at /neuro April - Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month /neuro/channels/news/april-parkinsons-disease-awareness-month-244818 <p>The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital - The Neuro, 9I and the 9I Health Centre, is at the forefront of Parkinson’s research and clinical care. Parkinson’s patients are seen at The Neuro’s Movement Disorders Clinic and the Montreal General Hospital. Approximately 100,000 Canadians have Parkinson’s disease.</p> <p><strong>The Neuro to introduce experimental drug treatment </strong></p> Thu, 02 Apr 2015 13:43:31 +0000 1397 at /neuro May - Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month /neuro/channels/news/may-multiple-sclerosis-awareness-month-250233 <p>The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital – The Neuro at 9I and the MUHC has Canada’s oldest MS clinic but is always innovating - striving for progress and better treatments for patients.</p> <p><strong>What’s new in MS at The Neuro</strong></p> Thu, 07 May 2015 13:58:35 +0000 1427 at /neuro Neuro researchers awarded $10.5 M from CFI /neuro/channels/news/neuro-researchers-awarded-105-m-cfi-253127 <p>Today the Honourable Ed Holder, Minister of State (Science and Technology) announced an investment of $333 million for research infrastructure through the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). Two projects submitted by researchers affiliated with the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital – The Neuro at 9I and the MUHC, have received a total of over $21 M in funding, with matching funds from the Government of Quebec.</p> Fri, 29 May 2015 16:01:33 +0000 1478 at /neuro ALS Awareness Month – June /neuro/channels/news/als-awareness-month-june-253218 <p>As a major Canadian centre for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) research and treatment, the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital - The Neuro, invites the public and the media to learn more about the disease and current research and treatments, to donate money for ALS research and to wear the national emblem of ALS in Canada, the blue cornflower, during ALS Awareness Month in June.</p> Tue, 02 Jun 2015 14:36:53 +0000 1500 at /neuro How your brain is telling you to vote /neuro/channels/news/how-your-brain-telling-you-vote-253435 <p><strong>Researchers pinpoint a brain area that influences electoral decisions</strong></p> Mon, 08 Jun 2015 13:18:47 +0000 1507 at /neuro Stroke month - June /neuro/channels/news/stroke-month-june-253660 <p><strong>Time is brain: for every minute a stroke is left untreated, 2 million brain cells are destroyed. The sooner patients are treated, the higher the chances of survival with fewer disabilities. </strong> Patients with acute strokes and transient ischemic attack (TIA) are assessed and treated at the right place, the right time and by the right professionals thanks to ultra-specialized stroke centres at the Montreal General Hospital  and The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital.</p> Mon, 22 Jun 2015 14:38:31 +0000 1554 at /neuro Neuro awarded over $15 M in CIHR funding /neuro/channels/news/neuro-awarded-over-15-m-cihr-funding-254287 <p><em><strong>Researchers get inaugural Foundation grants for high-impact, long-term programs</strong></em></p> <p>Researchers from the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, 9I have been awarded over $15 million in grants in the latest round of funding by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). The grants are part of over $600 million in national funding, announced July 28 by Minister of Health Rona Ambrose.</p> Tue, 28 Jul 2015 20:10:33 +0000 1666 at /neuro Neuro researchers awarded over $4.5 M from CQDM, Brain Canada and the Ontario Brain Institute /neuro/channels/news/neuro-researchers-awarded-over-45-m-cqdm-brain-canada-and-ontario-brain-institute-253469 <p>Researchers from the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital at 9I and the MUHC, have received a total of over $4.5 M in funding, for innovative projects to accelerate diagnosis and drug discovery for diseases of the brain, including Alzheimer’s.</p> <p>CQDM, Brain Canada Foundation and the Ontario Brain Institute made the announcement at the annual conference of the Canadian Association for Neuroscience in Vancouver. Six Canadian research teams share a total investment of $ 10 million, through the strategic "Focus on Brain" initiative.</p> Wed, 10 Jun 2015 14:21:57 +0000 1510 at /neuro Breakthrough in "marriage-broker" protein /neuro/channels/news/breakthrough-marriage-broker-protein-254497 <p><strong>Discovery provides new tool for understanding and treating neurodegenerative diseases</strong></p> Wed, 12 Aug 2015 13:48:00 +0000 1701 at /neuro Practice doesn’t always make perfect (depending on your brain) /neuro/channels/news/practice-doesnt-always-make-perfect-depending-your-brain-254260 <p><strong><em>Study fuels nature versus nurture debate</em></strong></p> <p>How do you get to Carnegie Hall? New research on the brain’s capacity to learn suggests there’s more to it than the adage that “practise makes perfect.” A music-training study by scientists at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital -The Neuro, at 9I and colleagues in Germany found evidence to distinguish the parts of the brain that account for individual talent from the parts that are activated through training.</p> Tue, 28 Jul 2015 13:53:46 +0000 1664 at /neuro MEDIA ADVISORY: BILINGUALISM AND THE BRAIN /neuro/channels/news/media-advisory-bilingualism-and-brain-250800 <p><u><span>Public lecture:<strong> Perspectives on bilingualism: From birth to aging</strong></span></u></p> <p>Living in a city with many languages, we are often confronted with personal debates about what are the best decisions to make for our children and for ourselves. Have you wondered when is the optimal time and in what way to introduce a second language to your child, or whether raising a child in a bilingual environment can create confusion? Have you heard that being bilingual might slow down cognitive decline in aging and provide a buffer against neurodegenerative disease?</p> Mon, 11 May 2015 14:08:15 +0000 1431 at /neuro