Housing Security for Women Fleeing Violence: The Effectiveness of Transitional (Second-Stage) Shelters

The effectiveness of transitional (second-step or second-stage) shelters for women fleeing violence is poorly understood and has been the subject of few comprehensive studies. In Quebec, this form of housing – as a mechanism to prevent homelessness – has been the focus of the work of the QHPPC. In 2024, a comparative, rapid review of the literature was undertaken with the support of a reference group to assess the relative effectiveness of first- and second-stage shelters in helping women escape domestic violence and achieve stable housing in Quebec. The research synthesizes existing literature and incorporates input from a reference group of experts and survivors who provide their experiences and real-time information about the functioning of shelters in Québec. Preliminary results point to key factors such as the overuse of primary shelters because of the deficit of second-stage shelters, as well as the length of stay, and services provided. The review highlights significant gaps in the current research, particularly regarding long-term outcomes after leaving second-stage shelters, and advocates for increased funding and capacity for second-stage housing.
Title: Housing Security for Women Fleeing Violence: The Effectiveness of Transitional (second-stage) Shelters
Description: This webinar discusses the results of a literature review and of an expert reference group in Quebec in 2024 examining the role and effectiveness of second-stage shelters for victims of domestic and intimate partner violence as a strategy for preventing homelessness.
Speakers: Melissa Shemirani, BSc, MSc candidate, McBurney Fellow; Pearl Eliadis, Associate Professor (professional) Max Bell School of Public Policy, Co-chair of the Gender Research Stream of the QHPPC
- Melpa Kamateros, Executive Director, Shield of Athena Family Services; Co-chair, Gender Research Stream of the QHPPC
- Hayfa Ben Miloud, Intervention coordinator, Research and Training, Alliance MH2
- Claudine Thibaudeau, Clinical support and training, SOS violence conjugale
Titre : Sécurité du logement pour les femmes victimes de violence conjugale: L'efficacité des refuges transitoires (maisons de 2e é³Ù²¹±è±ð)
Description : Ce webinaire présente les résultats d'une revue de la littérature et d'un groupe de référence d'experts au Québec (2024) qui ont examiné le rôle et l'efficacité des refuges de 2¾±Ã¨³¾±ð étape pour les victimes de violence conjugale et intime comme stratégie de prévention de l'itinérance.
°ä´Ç²Ô´Úé°ù±ð²Ô³¦¾±Ã¨°ù±ð²õ : Melissa Shemirani, BSc, candidate MSc, McBurney Fellow; Pearl Eliadis, Professeure agrégée (professionnelle) École de politiques publiques Max Bell; co-présidente du volet de recherche sur genre, CQPI
Intervenantes :
- Melpa Kamateros, Directrice générale du Bouclier d’Athéna Services familiaux et coprésidente du volet de recherche sur genre, CQPI
- Hayfa Ben Miloud, Coordonnatrice du volet Intervention, Recherche et Formation, Alliance MH2
- Claudine Thibaudeau, Responsable du soutien clinique et de la formation, SOS violence conjugale