
Maryam Wagner

Maryam Wagner, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine. She is a Core Faculty member at the Institute of Health Sciences Education and an Assessment Lead for the health professions schools at AEQI. Maryam completed her doctoral studies at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto focusing on students’ use of cognitively diagnostic feedback for advancing writing. Her research is broadly situated in educational assessment. She has participated in a variety of research investigations including tracking medical students’ learning progressions in technology-rich learning environments, a validation study of a language assessment framework, and the development and validation of a multimodal scenario-based assessment system. She was awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship which she pursued at Carleton University working on diagnosing and supporting engineering students’ writing. Additionally, Maryam has acquired expertise in a range of research methods and methodologies including mixed methods research design.

Current Research Interests: Second language learning and assessment in health professions, cognitively diagnostic assessment and feedback; test design and development; relationship between intrapersonal variables and assessment use; validity

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