BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T163745EDT-6211lWAdak@ DTSTAMP:20250312T203745Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for the Book Launch of Dr. Joe's latest book\, The Righ t Chemistry! A big part of Dr. Joe's job as director of 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ 's Office of Science and Society is persuading people that the pursuit of science knowledge is a potential source of wonder\, enlightenment and we ll-being for everyone. And as a chemist\, he's particularly keen to rescu e chemistry from the bad rep it's developed over recent decades. There is more to chemistry than toxins\, pollution\, and 'Don't drink that soda- -it's full of chemicals.' The evangelic zeal Dr. Joe brings to his day jo b is of course also the driving force behind his work as an author. Once again\, here he is to tell that everything is full of chemicals\, and tha t chemistry means health\, nutrition\, beauty products\, cleaning product s\, DNA\, and the means by which Lady Gaga's meat dress was held together . In the style established with the bestselling Brain Fuel\, each section here is themed and contains a mixture of short\, pithy items and slightl y longer mini-essays. And as before--but never with such energy and relis h--Dr. Joe goes on the attack against charlatans in the alternative healt h trade\, naming and shaming them in a particularly entertaining and edif ying section of the book called 'Claptrap.'You will learn whether to put broccoli on a pizza before or after baking\, whether beauty pills are wor th taking\, and whether the baby shampoo you're using is poisonous. You w ill discover but not use\, please\, the recipe for a Molotov cocktail. Yo u will be enabled to enthrall fellow dinner guests with the derivation of the name Persil\, and the definition of a kangarian (it's someone who on ly eats kangaroo meat).   Autographed books will be on sale for $20.     DTSTART:20121127T000000Z DTEND:20121127T000000Z LOCATION:CA\, Eleanor London Public Library\, 5851 Cavendish Blvd.\, Montre al\, Que. SUMMARY:Dr. Joe Schwarcz' Book Launch: 'The Right Chemistry' URL:/oss/channels/event/dr-joe-schwarcz-book-launch-ri ght-chemistry-218527 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR