Xiaoli Jing
Research Assistant
Ph.DStudent in Educational Studies,Department of Integrated Studies in Education, 9I, CANADA
M.A. in Comparative and International Education, Faculty of Education,Beijing Normal University, CHINA
B.A. in Psychology, School of Education,Qufu Normal University, CHINA
2016-2017 A Comparative Study on the International Education Development Path among the United States, the United Kingdom, Australiaand Canada: Based onTheir Recent International Education Policies.Beijing Normal University & Hong Kong Yuen Yuen Institute Foundation, CHINA. PrincipalInvestigator.
2016-2018 Research on Mutual Recognition of Credits among Universities in the APEC Region.Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. Research Assistant.
2016 The Economic Benefits and Social Demands of Sino-foreign Cooperation in Education.Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges,Ministry ofEducation, CHINA.Research Assistant.
2015 Policy Implications to Promote Internationalization of Education in China.Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges, MinistryofEducation, CHINA.Research Assistant.
2015 Teaching Management in Australian Universities and its Implications to China.Department of Social Sciences, Ministry of Education, CHINA.ResearchAssistant.
2014-2015 Comparative Study of the Allocation, Application, and Supervision of Post 4%-era Fiscal Education Finance.The National Social Science Fund of China,CHINA.Research Assistant.
Xiaoli, JING. (2018 February 7). Policy Implications from the Recent Educational Reforms in Canada. Guangming Daily.
Qiang Liu, & Xiaoli, JING. (2017). The Development Process, Operation Status and Prospects of ASEAN credit Transfer System. Comparative Education Review inChina,(9),72-78.
Xiaoli, JING. (2017). A Review of the Latest International Education Policies in Australia. Journal of Zhengzhou Normal Education, 6,(3),23-28.
Qiang Liu, & Xiaoli, JING. A Review of Australia Global Alumni Engagement Strategy 2016-2020. Journal of Zhengzhou Normal Education, 5,(6),43-46.
Qiang Liu, & Xiaoli, JING. (2016 November 20). International Education Strategies in the Western World. Guangming Daily.
Qiang Liu, & Xiaoli, JING. (2016). Research on the Development of China’s International Education: from the Perspective of Some Developed Countries. ComparativeEducation Review in China,(10),86-93.
Xiaoli, JING. (2016). Study of International Outflow of Australian Graduates.Journal of Zhengzhou Normal Education, (2),38-43.
Qiang Liu, & Xiaoli, JING. (2015). Looking forward to “One Belt One Road” to Blaze New Trails in International Education. China Scholars Abroad, (10),10-13.
Baocun Liu, Qiang Liu, & Xiaoli, JING. (2015). Priority Agenda and Prospects of APEC in Education Field. Comparative Education Review in China, (3),1-9.
Xiaoli, JING. (forthcoming). Education Finance in Australia. InQ. Liu & R. Ding(Eds.). Comparative Study of the Allocation, Application, and Supervision of Post 4%-era Fiscal Education Finance. Beijing, China: Higher Education Press.
Xiaoli, JING. (forthcoming). Education Finance in the United States of America. InQ. Liu & R. Ding. (Eds.). Comparative Study of the Allocation, Application, andSupervision of Post 4%-era Fiscal Education Finance. Beijing, China: Higher Education Press.
August 2016 Paper,The Development ofInternational Education in Chinafrom AnInternational Perspective. XVI World Congress of Comparative EducationSocieties, Beijing
Reviewer,EGSS 2018Conference, 9I, CANADA
Copy Editor, Journal of International Students, USA
Editor, Xinhua News Agency, CHINA
Vice-president, Graduate Student Association atFacultyof Education, Beijing Normal University,CHINA