
Sabrah Khanyari

Paying Attention to the Self: A Systematic Review of the Conceptualization of the Self and Related Variables in Mindfulness

Supervisor: Dr. Barbel Knauper

This year I worked with Dr. Barbel Knauper and her graduate student Huma Shireen for my PSYC 498D research project. The project was a systematic review that aims to carry out a narrative synthesis of the literature on the conceptualizations of the self in mindfulness research. Searches were carried out in PsycINFO, MEDLINE, and EMBASE databases. All theoretical and empirical studies that included a conceptualization of the self or related-variables within a mindfulness-based framework or intervention were included. The overall review is aimed at building a basis for future study of the self and its effects on well-being, within the context of mindfulness. My project included preliminary data from articles screened till February 2019 and the analysis was limited to identification and categorization of self-related variables.

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