A Journey into the Infinitely Small

Think small.... really really really small. What does the world looks like and how do we study the natural phenomena that exist at these infinitely small scales? This is the realm of particle physics research. Join Dr. Brigitte Vachon as she talks about the big questions we have yet to answer using the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and colliders yet to come.
In this presentation, we will explore an example of research work that is currently being done using the unique infrastructure that is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the CERN laboratory. I will then describe ongoing work that will lead to new research opportunities in the coming years, and will close with a long-term look at the possible future particle collider facilities under discussion within the global particle physics community.
The event will be broadcast on the Physics Matters and Astro9I制作厂免费 pages via Facebook Live.
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