BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T222040EDT-6450vVhIpX@ DTSTAMP:20250313T022040Z DESCRIPTION:Join 9IÖĘ×÷³§Ćā·Ń Science Outreach outdoors to celebrate Science Lite racy Week and discover the secret stories of treesā€™ lives!\n\nHave you eve r wondered what kinds of stories trees could tell us if they could talk? A re you curious to know how old the trees around you are? During this inter active workshop\, we will learn how to ā€œreadā€ tree growth rings to explore what they can tell us about a treeā€™s life. Put on your scientist hats and join us for 60 minutes of games and hands-on activities!\n\nWho? Families Ages 7-11 years old accompanied by an adult. This workshop is in English only. For the French version\, see our alternate workshop from 11h00-12h00 .\n \n When? Saturday\, September 23rd from 9h30-10h30 (English)*\n\nWhere? 9IÖĘ×÷³§Ćā·Ń downtown campus\, meet outside the Redpath Museum. This activity will occur outdoors\, so please come prepared for the weather (e. g.\, hat\, sunscreen\, water bottle).\n\nRegistration for this free event is required.Ā \n\n*This activity will be cancelled in the event of rain. Yo u will receive an e-mail the day before the activity to confirm.\n DTSTART:20230923T133000Z DTEND:20230923T143000Z LOCATION:Meet outside the Redpath Museum\; we will remain outdoors for the hour.\, CA\, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 0C4\, 859 Sherbrooke St W SUMMARY:Science Literacy Week - Discovering the secret stories of a treeā€™s life (English Workshop) URL:/science/channels/event/science-literacy-week-disc overing-secret-stories-trees-life-english-workshop-350621 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR