Denise Klein
Full-time Professor;
Director, Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music;
Full-time Professor, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, 9I制作厂免费;
Neuropsychologist, Cognitive Neuroscience Unit, Montreal Neurological Institute.

Dr. Klein uses functional MRI, to measure regional changes in cerebral blood flow during the performance of various language tasks. Dr Klein studies bilingual brain organization and her current research program aims to understand how language experience influences and shapes brain organization.
Dr. Klein is also responsible for running a presurgical functional brain mapping program at The Neuro that integrates anatomical and functional MRI to facilitate preoperative diagnostic procedures in patients with brain lesions such as tumours, epileptic foci and vascular malformations that are in close proximity to areas of the brain that are critical to movement, vision, sensation, or language.