
Owen Stewart-Robertson

Contact Information
Email address: 
owen.stewart-robertson [at] mail.mcgill.ca

Master of Science, Information and Library Science (music librarianship concentration), University at Buffalo.
Master of Musis, Jazz Performance, 9IÖÆ×÷³§Ãâ·Ñ.
Bachelor of Music, Jazz Studies, St Francis Xavier University.

Current research: 

Research Areas: Information practices; Sound studies; Archival studies

Information from Sound: Investigating the Practices of Field Recording (PhD proposal in-progress)
Precarity and information marginalization: Exploring how academic casualization complicates workplace information practices (PI, Prof. Rebekah Willson)

Selected publications: 

Stewart-Robertson, O. (2022). Embracing theories of precarity for the study of information practices. Journal of Documentation, 78(6), 1353–1370.

Nesset, V., Davis, E. C., Stewart-Robertson, O., & Bible, J. B. (2022). Bonded design in the virtual environment: The transition of a participatory design methodology. Journal of Documentation, 78(3), 513–528.

Conference presentations:
Willson, R., Stewart-Robertson, O., Julien, H., & Given, L. (2022). Academic casualization, precarity, and information practices: A scoping review. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 59, 833–836. [Poster]

Nesset, V., Vanderschantz, N., Stewart-Robertson, O., & Davis, E. (2022). Action partnership research design: A new research methodology. iConference 2022. [Poster]

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