
List of approved and restricted courses

List of approved and restricted courses outside the Faculty of Science

Students may take courses on the approved lists below and may not, under any circumstances, take courses on the not-approved lists for credit toward their BSc.听

NOTE: credit for statistics courses offered by faculties other than Arts and Science requires the permission of the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA). Rules regarding statistics courses are outlined under the Course Overlap policy in the eCalendar (B.Sc. Policy / B.A. & Sc. Policy). Contact your degree advisor to submit a request.

What if the course I want is not on either list?

You must obtain permission from the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA). To submit a request, email your degree advisor and include your 9I制作厂免费 ID, the course name and number and a detailed course syllabus. You are encouraged to submit your request as soon as possible at the start of term to ensure there is sufficient time for it to be assessed before the end of the add/drop deadline.

How can I tell which Faculty offers a course?

Copy the course number (or just the subject code) into the search window in the eCalendar. Make sure to select "Entire site" beside the search window, then hit Search. When the results come up, select the "Courses" tab and look for your course. Select it and look near the top of the page, just below the course title - the Faculty offering the course will be listed.

Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Courses on the Approved list may be counted for credit towards your B.Sc. degree. Courses on the Not Approved list may not, under any circumstances, be counted for credit. If a course you are interested in does not appear on either list, you must request permission from the Associate Dean, Student Affairs by submitting an email request to your assigned degree advisor.


AEBI 421 Trop. Horticultural Ecology
AEBI 423 Sustainable Land Use
AEBI 425 Tropical Energy and Food
AEBI 427 Barbados Interdisc Project
AEHM 330 Academic & Scientific Writing
AEMA 310 Statistical Methods 1 (See note in Calendar about overlap with other stats courses.)
AEMA 305 Differential Equations (Students must submit a request to the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA))
AGEC 200 Principles of Microeconomics (note that credit will not be given for both ECON 208 and AGEC 200)
AGEC 201 Principles of Macroeconomics (note that credit will not be given for both ECON 209 and AGEC 201)
AGEC 231 Econ Systems of Agriculture
AGEC 330 Agriculture and Food Markets
AGEC 430 Agric, Food & Resource Policy
AGEC 442 Econ of Int\'l Agric Dvlpmnt
AGRI 210 course description not available
AGRI 215 Agro-Ecosystems Field Course
AGRI 325 Sustainable Agr&Food Security
AGRI 330 Agricultural Legislation
AGRI 340 Princ of Ecological Agricult
AGRI 341 course description not available
AGRI 411 Global Issues on Dev, Food&Agr
AGRI 413 course description not available
AGRI 435 Soil & Water Quality Mgmt
AGRI 452 Water Resources in Barbados
AGRI 519 Sustainable Development Plans
AGRI 550 Sustained Tropical Agriculture
ANSC 234 Biochemistry 2 (Students must submit a request to the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA))
ANSC 251 Comparative Anatomy
ANSC 312 Animal Health and Disease
ANSC 330 course description not available
ANSC 433 Animal Nutrition & Metabolism
ANSC 552 Protein Metabolism&Nutrition
ANSC 555 The Use and Welfare of Animals
ANSC 560 Biology of Lactation
BREE 217 Hydrology and Water Resources
BTEC 555 Structural Bioinformatics
CELL 500 course description not available
CELL 501 course description not available
ENTO 350 Insect Biology and Control (Note: It is NOT considered to be a course outside of Arts and Science. Students may not receive credit for both ENTO 350 and BIOL 350)
ENTO 352 Biocontrol of Pest Insects
ENTO 440 course description not available
ENTO 520 Insect Physiology
ENTO 535 course description not available
ENVB 222 St. Lawrence Ecosystems
ENVB 315 course description not available (Credit will not be given for both ENVB 315 and BIOL 432)
ENVB 410 Ecosystem Ecology
ENVB 437 Assessing Environmental Impact
ENVB 500 Advanced Topics Ecotoxicology
ENVB 506 Quantitative Methods: Ecology
FDSC 200 Introduction to Food Science
FDSC 230 Organic Chemistry (Credit will not be given for both FDSC 230 and CHEM 212)
FDSC 251 Food Chemistry 1
MICR 450 Environmental Microbiology
NRSC 201 course description not available
NRSC 300 course description not available
NRSC 315 course description not available (Credit will not be given for both NRSC 315 and BIOL 432)
NRSC 333 Pollution and Bioremediation
NRSC 340 course description not available
NRSC 437 course description not available
NRSC 405 Natural History of East Africa
NRSC 451 Res in Ecol&Develop in Africa (Note: It is NOT considered to be a course outside of Arts and Science, and is cross listed with BIOL 451)
NUTR 301 Psychology (Note: credit will not be given for both NUTR 301 and PSYC 100)
NUTR 307 Metabolism and Human Nutrition (Note: It is NOT considered to be a course outside of Arts and Science.)
NUTR 337 Nutrition Through Life
NUTR 341 Global Food Security
NUTR 343 Financial Mgmt and Accounting (Note: credit will not be given for both NUTR 343 and MGCR 211)
NUTR 361 Environmental Toxicology
NUTR 403 course description not available
NUTR 404 Nutr. Field St. in East Africa
NUTR 406 Ecology of Human Nutrition
NUTR 420 course description not available
NUTR 436 course description not available
NUTR 450 Research Meth: Human Nutrition
NUTR 451 course description not available
NUTR 501 Nutrition: the Majority World
NUTR 512 Herbs, Foods&Phytochemicals
PARA 515 Water, Health and Sanitation
PARA 410 Environment and Infection
PLNT 300 Cropping Systems
PLNT 304 Biology of Fungi
PLNT 305 Plant Pathology
PLNT 310 Plant Propagation
PLNT 312 Urban Horticulture
PLNT 331 course description not available
PLNT 353 Plant Structure and Function
PLNT 358 Flowering Plant Diversity
PLNT 361 course description not available
PLNT 424 course description not available
PLNT 434 Weed Biology and Control
PLNT 458 course description not available
PLNT 460 Plant Ecology
PLNT 525 course description not available
PLNT 535 course description not available
SOIL 200 course description not available
SOIL 210 course description not available
SOIL 300 Geosystems (Note: Credit will not be given for both SOIL 300 and GEOG 272.)
SOIL 315 Soil Nutrient Management
SOIL 331 Environmental Soil Physics
SOIL 335 course description not available
SOIL 535 Soil Ecology
WILD 200 course description not available
WILD 205 course description not available
WILD 212 course description not available
WILD 302 Fish Ecology
WILD 307 Natural History of Vertebrates
WILD 311 course description not available
WILD 313 course description not available
WILD 350 Mammalogy
WILD 375 Issues:Environmental Sciences
WILD 401 Fisheries&Wildlife Management
WILD 410 course description not available
WILD 415 course description not available
WILD 420 Ornithology
WILD 421 Wildlife Conservation
WILD 424 course description not available (Credit will not be given for both WILD 424 and MIMM 413)
WILD 429 Ornithology
WILD 475 Desert Ecology
WOOD 410 course description not available
WOOD 441 Integrated Forest Management

Not approved

Note: Professional practice and techniques courses are normally closed to science students.
Note: Many Agricultural and Environmental Sciences courses may have substantial overlap with science courses. See Course Overlap Restrictions.

ABEN 251 Microcomputer Applications
ABEN 252 Structured Computer Programming
AEBI 210 Organisms 1
AEBI 211 Organisms 2
AEBI 212 Evolution and Phylogeny Approved for students in the Major or Honours Environment program
AEBI 306 Experiments in Biotechnology (not open to students in Biological Sciences, write for permission)
AEFR 306 Fran莽ais Fonctionnel - Aliment et Nutrition
AEFR 307 Fran莽ais Fonctionnel - Agriculture
AEHM 205 Science Literacy
AGEC 242 Management Theories and Practices
AGRI 195 Foundation year Seminar 1
AGRI 196 Foundation year Seminar 2
AGRI 482 Special Topics 3
ANSC 250 Principles of Animal Science
ANSC 565 Applied Information Systems
BREE 301 Biothermodynamics
BREE 314 Agricultural Structures
BREE 453 UG Seminar 3-ScientificWriting
ENVB 210 The Biophysical Environment (Science students should take GEOG 305 instead)
ENVB 301 Meteorology
ENVB 305 Population & Community Ecology
ENVB 415 Ecosystem Management
ENVB 530 Adv GIS for Natural Res Mgmt
EXTM 300 Communication - extension methods
LSCI 204 Genetics (was CELL 204) (not open to students in Biological Sciences, write to your Faculty advisor for permission)
LSCI 211 Biochemistry 1 (was FDSC 211)
LSCI 230 Introductory Microbiology
NRSC 350 Biological Illustration I - approved only for students in Biology department programs AND in 9I制作厂免费 School of Environment (MSE) (Biodiversity and Conservation Domain)
NRSC 351 Biological Illustration II
NUTR 200 Contemporary Nutrition
NUTR 207 Nutrition and Health (closed to students in biology and biomedical programs)
NUTR 214 Food Fundamentals
NUTR 217 Application of Food Fundamentals
NUTR 322 Applied Sciences Communication
NUTR 430 Directed Studies in Dietetics/Nutrition I (write for permission)
NUTR 431 Directed Studies in Dietetics/Nutrition II (write for permission)
PLNT 201 Comparative Plant Biology (not open to students in Biological Sciences, write to your Faculty advisor for permission)
PLNT 211 Principles of Plant Science (not open to students in Biological Sciences, write to your Faculty advsisor for permission)
PLNT 221 Introduction to Fungi
PLNT 321 Fruit Production
PLNT 322 Greenhouse Management
PLNT 341 Horticulture - the Alliums
PLNT 342 Horticulture - Cole Crops
PLNT 343 Horticulture - Root Crops
PLNT 344 Horticulture - Salad Crops
PLNT 345 Horticulture: Solanaceous Crops
PLNT 348 The Brassicas
PLNT 421 Landscape Plant Materials
PLNT 450 Special Topics: Plant Science
PLNT 451 Special Topics: Plant Science 2
SOIL 342 course description not available

School of Continuing Studies

Only Continuing Studies courses listed . All others are not approved for credit.

CCE 9I制作厂免费 Writing Centre (MWC) - approved

  • All WCOM courses are approved as they are offered under the Faculty of Arts. The courses below are older course codes which are no longer offered.
  • CEAP 150 course description not available (Note: It is NOT considered to be a course outside of Arts and Science)
  • CEAP 250 course description not available (Note: It is NOT considered to be a course outside of Arts and Science)
  • CESL 150 course description not available (Note: It is NOT considered to be a course outside of Arts and Science)
  • CESL 200 course description not available (Note: It is NOT considered to be a course outside of Arts and Science)
  • CESL 299 course description not available (Note: It is NOT considered to be a course outside of Arts and Science)
  • CESL 300 course description not available (Note: It is NOT considered to be a course outside of Arts and Science)
  • CESL 400 course description not available (Note: It is NOT considered to be a course outside of Arts and Science)
  • CESL 500 course description not available (Note: It is NOT considered to be a course outside of Arts and Science)
  • CCOM 314 course description not available (Note: This IS considered to be a course outside of Arts and Science)

Faculty of Education

Courses on the Approved list may be counted for credit towards your B.Sc. degree. Courses on the Not Approved list may not, under any circumstances, be counted for credit. If a course you are interested in does not appear on either list, you must request permission from the Associate Dean, Student Affairs by submitting an email request to your assigned degree advisor.


EDEC 233 Indigenous Education
EDEC 247 Policy Issues:QC&Indigenous Ed
EDEC 248 Equity and Education
EDEC 249 Global Ed. and Social Justice
EDEC 260 Philosophical Foundations
EDEC 261 course description not available
EDEC 262 Media, Tech. and Education
EDEC 300 Special Topics 1 (Students must submit a request to the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA))
EDEC 301 Special Topics 2 (Students must submit a request to the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA))
EDEM 220 Contemporary Issues in Ed.
EDER 209 course description not available
EDER 250 L. and T. the J Way of Life
EDER 309 The Search for World Views
EDER 324 course description not available
EDER 394 course description not available
EDER 396 course description not available
EDER 406 course description not available
EDER 409 course description not available
EDER 410 Women in Higher Education
EDER 461 Society and Change
EDER 464 course description not available
EDER 491 course description not available
EDER 494 HumanRights&Ethics in Practice
EDER 499 Seminar on Women's Studies II
EDES 201 course description not available (requires permission from Faculty of Education)
EDES 335 Teaching Secondary Science 1 (approved only for students who complete the Minor in Education for Science students)
EDES 353 Teaching Sec. Mathematics 1 (approved only for students who complete the Minor in Education for Science students)
EDES 365 Experiences in Communications
EDES 366 Literature for Young Adults
EDKP 206 Biomechanics of Human Movement
EDKP 261 Motor Development
EDKP 303 course description not available (ANAT 214 is prerequisite)
EDKP 330 Physical Act & Public Health
EDKP 393 Skill Learning and Expertise (approved for Minor in Kinesiology)
EDKP 394 Historical Perspectives
EDKP 395 Exercise Physiology
EDKP 405 Sport in Society
EDKP 444 Ergonomics (ANAT 214 is prerequisite)
EDKP 445 Exercise Metabolism
EDKP 446 Physical Activity and Ageing
EDKP 447 Motor Control (ANAT 214 is prerequisite)
EDKP 448 Exercise and Health Psychology
EDKP 449 Neuromusc & Inflamm Pathophys
EDKP 485 Cardiopulmonary Ex Pathophys
EDKP 492 course description not available
EDKP 498 Sport Psychology
EDKP 505 course description not available
EDKP 542 Environmental Exercise Physiol
EDKP 566 Advanced Biomechanics
EDPC 510 course description not available
EDPC 540 Socl Respblty&Relshps: Dig Age
EDPC 562 Career as a Lifelong Process
EDPE 300 Educational Psychology
EDPE 304 Measurement and Evaluation (approved only for students who complete the Minor in Education for Science students)
EDPE 335 Instructional Psychology
EDPE 355 Cognition and Education
EDPE 377 Adolescence and Education
EDPE 515 Gender Identity Development
EDPE 555 Socio-Cultural Fndns of LS
EDPE 560 course description not available
EDPI 309 Diverse Learners
EDPI 526 Supp. Stud. Strengths &Talent (provided students do a term paper for the major project)

Not approved

EDEA XXX None allowed
EDEC must write; see APPROVED list
EDEC 202: Effective Communication Faculty of Education
EDEC 203: Effective Communication Faculty of Education
EDEC 204: Communication in Social Work
EDEC 205: Communication in Management
EDEC 206: Communication in Engineering
EDEC 302 Language and Learning - Curriculum
EDEC 305 Communications for Management II
EDEC 310 Kindergarten/Elementary Curriculum
EDEC 402 Media, Technology and Education (closed to students except in certain programs)
EDEC 410 Multicultured/Multiracial Class (closed to students except in certain programs)
EDEC 500 Tutoring Writing: Theory and Practice
EDEE XXX None allowed
EDEM 405 Policy Issues in Quebec Education (closed to students except in certain programs)
EDEM 450 Curriculum Alternatives: Great Teaching in an Alternative Education Setting
EDER 208 Philosophy of Human Nature
EDER 252 Understanding and Teaching Jewish Living
EDER 332 Guiding the Religious Response - Elem.
EDER 473 Living with Insight
EDES XXX None allowed
EDET XXX None allowed
EDFE XXX None allowed
EDKP XXX ANY Physical Education course, such as Basketball, Wrestling, Rugby, Weight Training, etc.
EDKP 201 Fitness Leadership
EDKP 205 Structural Anatomy
EDKP 211 First Aid
EDKP 225 Golf
EDKP 231 Martial Arts
EDKP 292 Nutrition and Wellness (students should take NUTR 307 instead; students with little background in Biology and Chemistry must write to the Associate Dean, Student Affairs (SOUSA), Faculty of Science.)
EDKP 293 Anatomy and Physiology
EDKP 311 Athletic Injuries
EDKP 312 Aquatics
EDKP 331 Homeostatic Physiology
EDKP 391 Ergo-physiology (approved for students in Minor in Kinesiology)
EDKP 393 Skill Learning and Expertise (approved for students who are registered in the Minor in Kinesiology)
EDKP 396 Adapted Physical Activity (approved for students who are registered in the Minor in Kinesiology)
EDKP 485 Exercise in Chronic Health Conditions (approved for students in Minor in Kinesiology)
EDKP 492 Psychology of Motor Performance (replaced by EDKP 393 - approved for Minor in Kinesiology)
EDKP 495 Scientific Principles of Training (approved for students in Minor in Kinesiology)
EDKP 496 Adapted Physical Activity (approved for students in Minor in Kinesiology)
EDKP 550 Analyzing Instructional Behaviors
EDKP 553 Physiological Assessment in Sport
EDKP 568 Biomechanics Instruments
EDPC 501 Principles of Helping Rel.
EDPC 502 Group Processes and Individuals
EDPC 503 Human Sexuality: Professionals
EDPC 504 Practicum in Interviewing Skills
EDPC 505 Crisis/Trauma Intervention Processes
EDPC 508 Special Topics: Foundations of Family Life Education
EDPC 608 Group Counselling: Theory
EDPC 624 Group Counselling: Practice
EDPE 208 Personality and Social Development
EDPE 214 Child Development
EDPE 306 Values and Moral Education
EDPE 320 Adult Learning and Teaching
EDPE 394 Cognitive Development
EDPE 396 The Nature of Intelligence
EDPE 535 Instructional Design
EDPE 575 Educational Measurement
EDPE 596 Seminar in Special Topics
EDPI 211 Social & Emotional Development
EDPI 212 Perceptual Motor Development
EDPI 344 Assessment for Instruction
EDPI 440 Cog. & Psychomotor Prob. of Except. Chil.
EDPI 441 Behavioral Problems of Except. Chil.
EDPI 442 Psychology & Learning Problems
EDPI 527 Creativity and its Cultivation
EDPI 536 Practicum in Gifted Education I
EDPI 537 Practicum in the Gifted II
EDPI 539 Field Work I: Exceptional Students
EDPI 540 Field Work II: Exceptional Students
EDPI 543 Family, School and Community
EDPT XXX None allowed
EDSL XXX None allowed

Faculty of Engineering

Courses on the Approved list may be counted for credit towards your B.Sc. degree. Courses on the Not Approved list may not, under any circumstances, be counted for credit. If a course you are interested in does not appear on either list, you must request permission from the Associate Dean, Student Affairs by submitting an email request to your assigned degree advisor.


ARCH 250 Architectural History 1
ARCH 251 Architectural History 2
ARCH 252 course description not available
ARCH 253 course description not available
ARCH 355 Architectural History 4
ARCH 377 Energy, Environ, & Buildings 1
ARCH 385 course description not available
ARCH 515 Sustainable Design (Students must submit a request to the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA))
ARCH 522 course description not available
ARCH 523 Significant Texts & Buildings
ARCH 524 course description not available
ARCH 528 History of Housing
ARCH 529 Housing Theory
ARCH 536 Heritage Conservation
ARCH 541 Sel Topics in Architecture 2 (Students must submit a request to the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA))
ARCH 551 Urban Design and Planning (Note this course is cross-listed as URBP 551)
BIEN all approved, not counted as outside of Science
CHEE 200 Chem Engineering Principles 1
CHEE 204 Chem Engineering Principles 2
CHEE 230 course description not available
CHEE 291 Instrumentation&Measurement 1
CHEE 474 Biochemical Engineering
CIVE 205 Statics
CIVE 323 Hydrology and Water Resources
CIVE 433 course description not available
CIVE 452 Water Resources in Barbados
CIVE 519 Sustainable Development Plans
CIVE 550 Water Resources Management
ECSE 200 Electric Circuits 1
ECSE 210 Electric Circuits 2
ECSE 221 course description not available (Credit will not be given for both ECSE 221 and COMP 273)
ECSE 321 Intro. to Software Engineering
ECSE 424 Human-Computer Interaction (Students must submit a request to the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA))
ECSE 427 Operating Systems
ECSE 429 Software Validation
ECSE 495 course description not available
ECSE 507 Optimization & Optimal Control
ECSE 526 Artificial Intelligence (Students must submit a request to the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA))
ECSE 539 Advanced Software Language Eng
MIME 260 Materials Science&Engineering
MIME 262 Prop.Materials in Elec. Eng.
MIME 308 Social Impact of Technology
MIME 310 course description not available
MIME 320 Extraction of Energy Resources
MIME 325 Mineral Industry Economics
MIME 329 Mining Geology
URBP 201 Planning the 21st Century City
URBP 506 Envrnmntl Policy and Planning
URBP 507 course description not available
URBP 506 Envrnmntl Policy and Planning
URBP 519 course description not available
URBP 520 course description not available
URBP 551 Urban Design and Planning (Note this course is cross-listed as ARCH 551)

Not approved

ARCH XXX generally not allowed with exceptions noted on APPROVED list.
CHEE 231 Data Anal & Design of Exp
CHEE 370 Elements of Biotechnology
CIVE 229 Surveying
ECSE 211 Design Principles and Methods
ECSE 291 Electrical Measurements Lab
ECSE 443 Introduction to Numerical Methods in Electrical Engineering
ECSE 508 Multi-Agent Systems (Students must submit a request to the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA))
FACC 100 Intro to the Eng. Profession
FACC 220 Law for Architects and Engineers
FACC 221 Engineering Professional Practice
MECH 201 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
MECH 220 Mechanics 2
MECH 260 Machine Tool Lab
MECH 261 Measurement Laboratory
MECH 262 Statistics and Measurement Laboratory
MECH 289 Design Graphics
MECH 553 Design and Manufacturing of Microdevices
MIME 221 Engineering Professional Practice
Note: Many Engineering courses may have substantial overlap with science courses. See Course Overlap Restrictions.

Desautels Faculty of Management

All regular Management courses are approved with the exceptions listed below:

Not approved

ORGB 423 Human Resource Management
ORGB 429 OB for Course Counsellors
ORGB 434 Topics in Organizational Behaviour 1

Statistics courses require the permission of the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising (SOUSA), submit your request through your Faculty advisor.

Computer and Information Systems courses are generally not approved for Science students.

INSY XXX None allowed

MGCR 331 Information Systems is approved for students enrolled in the course in Fall 2007 and in subsequent terms. It is not approved for students who were enrolled in the course before Fall 2007.

Schulich School of Music

Courses on the Approved list may be counted for credit towards your B.Sc. degree. Courses on the Not Approved list may not, under any circumstances, be counted for credit. If a course you are interested in does not appear on either list, you must request permission from the Associate Dean, Student Affairs by submitting an email request to your assigned degree advisor.


MUAR XXX (these are counted as Arts courses)
MUMT 201 course description not available
MUMT 202 Fundamentals of New Media
MUMT 203 Introduction to Digital Audio
MUMT 250 Music Perception and Cognition
MUMT 301 Music and the Internet
MUMT 302 New Media Production 1 (Approved only for students who complete the minor in Musical Applications of Technology)
MUMT 303 New Media Production 2 (Approved only for students who complete the minor in Musical Applications of Technology)
MUMT 306 Music & Audio Computing 1
MUMT 307 Music & Audio Computing 2
MUMT 402 course description not available
MUMT 501 Digital Aud. Signal Processing
MUMT 502 Senior Proj:Music Technology (Approved only for students who complete the minor in Musical Science and Technology)
MUPD 200 Intro to Music Marketing
MUSP 240 Musicianship Training 3 (Approved only for students in the B.Sc. Liberal program who complete the B.A. Major Concentration in Music)
MUSP 241 Musicianship Training 4 (Approved only for students in the B.Sc. Liberal program who complete the B.A. Major Concentration in Music)
MUSR 200 Audio Recording Essentials (Approved only for students who complete the minor in Musical Applications of Technology)
MUSR 300D1 Intro to Music Recording (Approved only for students who complete the minor in Musical Applications of Technology)
MUSR 300D2 Intro to Music Recording (Approved only for students who complete the minor in Musical Applications of Technology)

Not approved

MUCT 235 Vocal Techniques
MUEN XXX None allowed
MUPD 201 Business Fundamentals for Musicians
MUPG XXX None allowed
MUJZ XXX None allowed
MUPP XXX None allowed (Science students in the BA Major Concentration Music should take MUHL courses as their complementary courses, instead of MUPP.)
MUSP XXX None allowed, (exceptions indicated in approved list)
MUSR 201 Audio Production Essentials

Students wishing to take Music courses that are not on either list above require permission from the School of Music and from SOUSA (contact your degree advisor).

Summer courses (all Faculties) not approved for credit

WARNING: the courses listed below have been assessed and B.Sc. students are NOT eligible to receive credit for them.

Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Food Science:

  • FDSC 480 Industrial Stage/Food

Nutrition and Dietetics:

  • NUTR xxx None allowed

Plant Science:

  • PLNT 450 Special Topics: Plant Science 1 (To be determined*)
  • PLNT 451 Special Topics: Plant Science 2 (To be determined*)


Education: Arts Education:

  • EDEA xxx None allowed

Education: Curriculum and Instruction:

  • EDEC 201 First Year Professional Seminar
  • EDEC 215 English Language Requirement
  • EDEC 253 Second Professional Seminar (Kindergarten/Elementary)
  • EDEC 254 Second Professional Seminar (Secondary)

Education: Student Teaching:

  • EDFE xxx None allowed

Education: Kinesiology and Physical Education:

  • EDKP xxx None allowed

Education: Psychology and Counselling (Counselling):

  • EDPC xxx None allowed

Education: Psychology and Counselling (Psychology):

  • EDPE 575 Educational Measurement
  • EDPE 595 Seminar in Special Topics

Education: Psychology and Counselling (Inclusive):

  • EDPI 450 Computers and Special Needs
  • EDPI 543 Family, School and Community

Education: Psychology and Counselling (Media):

  • EDPT xxx None allowed

Education: Education in Second Languages:

  • EDSL xxx None allowed

Education: Education Teaching and Learning:

  • EDTL 508 Critical Influences on Educational Praxis (To be determined*)


Civil Engineering:

  • CIVE xxx None allowed

FACC - Faculty Course:

  • FACC xxx None allowed

Mechanical Engineering:

  • MECH xxx None allowed

Mining, Metals, Materials Engr:

  • MIME 203 Mine Surveying
  • MIME 280 Industrial Training 1
  • MIME 290 Industrial Work Period 1
  • MIME 291 Industrial Work Period 2
  • MIME 317 Analytical and Characterization Techniques
  • MIME 350 Extractive Metallurgical Engineering
  • MIME 380 Industrial Training 2
  • MIME 392 Industrial Work Period 3
  • MIME 410 Research Project
  • MIME 419 Surface Mining
  • MIME 422 Mine Ventilation
  • MIME 480 Industrial Training 3
  • MIME 481 Industrial Training 4
  • MIME 494 Industrial Work Period 4

9I制作厂免费/Poly Mining Coop:

  • MPMC xxx None allowed


Business Admin:

  • BUSA 434 Topics in General Management

Management Core:

  • MGCR 271 Business Statistics


  • MRKT xxx None allowed



  • MUSP xxx None allowed

Music Theory and Analysis

  • MUTH 151 Theory and Analysis 2 (To be determined*)
  • MUTH 475 Special Project

*For more information about courses listed as "To be determined", please contact your degree advisor.

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