BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T232426EDT-6217O4k1BK@ DTSTAMP:20250313T032426Z DESCRIPTION:This two-day training course is designed to provide and enhance a basic working knowledge of sleep medicine. It is designed for neurology residents and fellows from across Canada as well as general practitioners \, community neurologists\,聽 and specialists who are interested in further enhancing their understanding of the current principles and practices in dealing with patients with sleep disorders.\n\nThis comprehensive course m ay serve to fulfill part of the preparation requirements for trainees seek ing to complete the Royal College Examinations in Neurology. The program w ill include examination scenarios for trainees wishing to gain experience in examination situations. It will also include ample opportunities and ti me for networking\, and one-on-one sessions with experts in the field of s leep medicine.\n\nRegistration Required\n\n$100 for residents and students \n $250 for neurologists\, specialists\, GPs\, psychiatrists\, & other prof essionals\n\n\n \n Programme\n Travel Awards\n Organizing Committee\n Venue\n Ho tels\n Sponsors\n \n\n \n Programme Booklet聽\n\n Click here to view\n \n\n \n Trav el Awards\n\n Travel awards for neurology residents are available on a firs t come\, first served basis to provide financial assistance to those trave ling from within Canada and who have registered to attend the National Cou rse on Sleep Medicine.\n\n \n Applications must be submitted by August 24\, 2025聽via the聽travel award submission form.\n Only registered applicants wil l be considered. You will be notified of the status of your application by September 1\, 2025.\n \n \n\n \n Organizing Committee\n\n Milan Nigam\n\n Marcu s Ng\n\n Garima Shukla\n\n Shelly Weiss\n\n Ron Postuma\n\n Debbie Rashcovsky\ , Chair\n \n\n \n Venue\n\n The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital i s at 3801 University Street\, north of Pine Avenue West\, on the 9I制作厂免费 Un iversity campus opposite the former Royal Victoria Hospital.\n\n Montreal i s served by highway Routes 10\, 15\, 20 and 40\, and by Megabus\, VIA Rail and the P-E-Trudeau airport. In the city\, bus and metro service is provi ded by the Soci茅t茅 de transport de Montr茅al (STM).\n\n Wheelchair access\n \n A wheelchair accessible entrance is on University Street north of the ma in entrance. Another wheelchair accessible entrance is in the loading area behind the building: to enter the loading area\, turn into the driveway s outh of the main entrance. Please note\, there is no parking in the loadin g area.\n\n Parking\n\n Parking near the MNI is sometimes difficult. There a re parking meters on University Street and a parking lot north of the main entrance. To enter the lot\, turn right into the driveway toward Molson S tadium.\n\n Information about parking fees\n\n Taxi Stand\n\n There is a taxi stand on University Street across from the main entrance. You may call a cab from the free taxi phone in the main lobby near the Security Desk.\n\n Access by Public Transportation (STM website)\n\n Bus\n\n There are four bus stops within walking distance:\n\n \n Bus 144 stops at Pine Avenue and Univ ersity Street\n Bus 356 stops at Sherbrooke Street and University Street (N ightbus)\n Bus 107 stops at Pine Avenue and Docteur Penfield\n Bus 24 stops at Sherbrooke Street and University Street\n \n\n Metro\n\n Take the Metro Gr een Line to the 9I制作厂免费 station. Walk north on University Street and cross Pine Avenue. The main entrance is on the right\, past the flags.\n\n De Gra ndpre Communications Centre\n\n \n Enter main lobby turn left and go down th e hallway to the end.\n Turn right and go down the second hallway until you get to the elevators\n Take elevator to 2B\n Turn right and follow the sign s to the de Grandpre Communications Centre\n \n \n\n \n Hotels\n\n 9I制作厂免费 Unive rsity has an agreement for special rates with several downtown hotels.\n\n Follow this link to view options: /accommodations/moh p\n \n\n \n Sponsors\n\n [TBD]\n\n 聽\n\n 聽\n\n 聽\n\n \n \n\n DTSTART:20251128T140000Z DTEND:20251129T210000Z LOCATION:Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre\, Montreal Neurological Institute\, CA \, QC\, Montreal\, H3A 2B4\, 3801 rue University SUMMARY:6th National Course on Sleep Medicine URL:/spgh/channels/event/6th-national-course-sleep-med icine-362067 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR