BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T173151EDT-9996mWoUEC@ DTSTAMP:20250312T213151Z DESCRIPTION:The 2024-2025 Neuro Epilepsy Lecture Series will include eight lectures covering hot topics in basic and clinical epilepsy research. Spea kers will include distinguished leaders and rising stars\, with the goal o f bridging basic research and clinical perspectives.\n\n\nRegister for In- Person\n\nTo watch online\, click here\n\n\nUsing AI/ML to Revolutionize M anagement and Prognosis of Epilepsy\n\nAbstract: Artificial intelligence ( AI) is poised to transform epilepsy care\, offering powerful tools for dia gnosis\, prognostication\, and treatment planning. This talk will explore how machine learning and advanced neuroimaging techniques can enhance clin ical decision-making\, from predicting surgical outcomes to uncovering ind ividualized seizure dynamics. Dr. Gleichgerrcht will discuss key methodolo gical challenges\, including data heterogeneity\, model interpretability\, and real-world validation\, along with strategies to bridge these gaps. F inally\, Dr. Gleichgerrcht will highlight the translational insights emerg ing from AI applications in epilepsy and their potential to personalize pa tient care.\n\nEzequiel Gleichgerrcht\n\nAssistant Professor\, Department of Neurology\, Emory University\n\n\n\nDr. Gleichgerrcht is an Assistant P rofessor in the Department of Neurology at Emory University. He is board-c ertified in Neurology\, Epilepsy\, and Clinical Neurophysiology with a str ong clinical interest in drug-resistant epilepsies\, including invasive EE G monitoring as well as surgical and other non-pharmacological treatments\ , such as deep brain stimulation and responsive neurostimulation. As a cli nician-scientist\, his research focuses on integrating computational neuro imaging\, neurophysiology\, and neuropsychology/behavior to study brain fu nction and neurological disorders.\n\n\nThese seminar series are made poss ible through the sponsorship of:\n\n\n\n \n DTSTART:20250417T200000Z DTEND:20250417T210000Z LOCATION:de Grandpre Communications Centre\, The Neuro SUMMARY:Neuro Epilepsy Lecture Series: Using AI/ML to Revolutionize Managem ent and Prognosis of Epilepsy URL:/spgh/channels/event/neuro-epilepsy-lecture-series -using-aiml-revolutionize-management-and-prognosis-epilepsy-363719 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR