BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T183133EDT-3495b7I8VZ@ DTSTAMP:20250312T223133Z DESCRIPTION:Abstract: There is clear evidence that climate change will alte r the timing\, intensity\, and geographic range of infectious disease outb reaks with important implications for public health. Nevertheless\, the me chanistic links between climate and infectious disease transmission\, part icularly for respiratory infections\, remain incompletely resolved. Conseq uently\, models that incorporate climate into disease transmission largely rely on the use of statistical methods to regress the time-varying transm ission rate derived from epidemiological data against climate variables\, despite there being many insufficiencies to these approaches. In this talk \, we will discuss known climate-sensitive biophysical drivers of a broad range of infectious diseases\, including vector- and water-borne infection s. We will then focus on our work in the area of respiratory infections\, unraveling the biophysics of aerosol-based transmission in complex mucosal ivary fluids.\n\nSpeaker Biography:\n\nCaroline Wagner is an Assistant Pro fessor in the Department of Bioengineering at 9I制作厂免费. She holds an MSc and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from MIT\, where she used experi ment and theory to study the microscopic and macroscopic rheological prope rties of mucus. She then trained as a postdoctoral fellow in mathematical disease modeling at Princeton University. Her research program focusses on understanding interactions between pathogens and biological fluids\, and modeling the effect of such interactions on population-level disease trans mission and dynamics. During the Covid-19 pandemic\, Caroline and her coll eagues developed models to explore the effect of various factors including immune responses\, vaccine dose spacing\, and vaccine nationalism on the future burden and timing of Covid-19 infections. This work resulted in thr ee publications in the journal Science\, and has been covered in numerous media outlets including Quebec Science\, La Presse\, and Wired.\n\nRegistr ation\n DTSTART:20250320T173000Z DTEND:20250320T183000Z LOCATION:2001 9I制作厂免费 College Avenue\, 11th floor\, room 1140 or via ZOOM SUMMARY:Unraveling the biophysical mechanistic links between climate change and infectious disease transmission URL:/spgh/channels/event/unraveling-biophysical-mechan istic-links-between-climate-change-and-infectious-disease-transmission-362 524 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR